Xenomorph Passion ch.2

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During the final battle against the reapers Commander Shepard manages to activate the crucible and now it is preparing to fire making the allied fleets of all the species in citadel space and terminus be prepared to retreat as fast as possible.

Admiral Hackett: All fleets the crucible is firing, disengage and meet at the randevu point. I repeat disengage and get the hell out of here.

All ships began to retreat with the exception of a small ship named Normandy that was trying to reach the citadel piloted by Tali.

All ships began to retreat with the exception of a small ship named Normandy that was trying to reach the citadel piloted by Tali

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Tali: No! We need more time save the boys from the citadel.

Garrus: Tali can you hear me.

Tali: Garrus! Were comming to save you and the others.

Garrus: Tali are all the other girls with you on the Normandy.

Tali: Yes were all here.

Garrus: Good! My and the rest of the boys managed to get Shepard out of there and we are on the destiny ascension, get out of there and well meet as soon as we can.

Tali: Ok good luck.

Garrus: You also.

After the converstion with Garrus, Tali announced the others about the situation and begins to put maximum power to the engines.

The Normandy was going at maximum speed to get out of the firing range, but it was to late as the energy was getting closer to the ship.

Eventually the energy hit the ship causing it to lose power, but unfortunately a uknown planet was in there path and Tali knew that this will be a crash landing

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Eventually the energy hit the ship causing it to lose power, but unfortunately a uknown planet was in there path and Tali knew that this will be a crash landing.

Tali: Everyone prepare for impact.

The ship began to hit many trees before finally stopping.

After everyone on bord managed to recover they begin to exit the ship and look around to see if they can tell on what planet they are

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After everyone on bord managed to recover they begin to exit the ship and look around to see if they can tell on what planet they are.

Liara: By the looks of it this is a unknown planet.

Jack: Shit! So you mean we are fucking stranded here.

Tali: Only temporary the ship doesn't apear to be critically damaged, so me and Edi can fix it.

Edi: Acording to my calculations me and Tali will be able to fix the ship in 2 to 4 weeks.

Miranda: Luckily we have enough food to last 6 months.

Katsumi: Well that's a relief, we got enough things on the Normandy that we can use to pass the time.

Ashley: Yeah maybe we can consiter this like a vacation.

Shiala: I agree.

Samara: Well if that's the case i'll be in my room meditating.

Benezia: Liara where are you going?

Liara: I'm going to my room and use my equipment to see if i can contact someone to help us.

Benezia: Good luck little wing.

After planning there course of action all the female crew returned to the ship to relax while Tali and Edi fix the ship, but what they didn't know is that the ship landed right next to a metal container that was in some bushes.

After planning there course of action all the female crew returned to the ship to relax while Tali and Edi fix the ship, but what they didn't know is that the ship landed right next to a metal container that was in some bushes

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Beacuse of the impact the box opened revealing the egg inside.

Because of the heat generated by the ship it didn't take long for the egg to open

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Because of the heat generated by the ship it didn't take long for the egg to open.

Because of the heat generated by the ship it didn't take long for the egg to open

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The female crew of the Normandy were about to have a very big surprise.

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