1. the split

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"These holidays could hardly get any better!", I said, we were leaving for the Quidditch cup later that day.

"True that, Capella.", Draco chuckled.

"Shame we can't paint our faces and dress in team colours in the box. I'd love to show my support.", I said.

"Don't complain we've got an invitation into the minister's box.", Draco scolded me playfully.

"Shut it Draco.", I grumbled and turned around to him with two dresses in my hand. One was plain black with a ribbon on the waist and reached down to below the knee. The other was also black with a long lace sleeves and a simple skirt. "Which one?", I asked.

"The black one.", Draco said.

"They're both black Draco!", I exclaimed in annoyance.

"I know, I know. Fine, the one with the lace sleeves.", Draco huffed out after inspecting both dresses.

"Thank you! Now leave so I can get ready.", I smiled brightly and shoved him out of my room.

"Honestly I don't understand what's wrong with her.", Draco mumbled to himself as I closed the doors to get ready.


We were just walking up to our seats when I heard someone shout out in a mix of annoyance and amazement, "Blimey, Dad, how high up are we?". I look up towards the voice to be faced by a family of red heads, Hermione and no other than Harry Potter himself. We make eye contact and I instantly feel my cheeks heat up. After years of friendship, I've grown rather... fond of him. Of course, Draco and Father ruined the moment by also stepping forward.

"Well put it this way: if it rains, you'll be the first to know.", Father sneered at the Weasleys.

"Father, Capella and I are in the minister's box by personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself.", Draco informed them causing me to turn red and mouth an apology to the group. To my delight Harry, Hermione, Mr Weasley and both twins sporting the Irish's colours face paint nodded and smiled at me discretely, assuring me that they don't blame me.

"Don't boast Draco.", Father scolded and poked his cane into Draco's stomach resulting in me attempting to contain a laugh, "There's no need with these kinds of people.". This appeared to be a tipping point for the group as they turned to leave but Father used his cane to grab a hold of Harry's arm restraining him from moving. I gasped and made a move forwards only to be held back by Draco.

"Do enjoy yourself, won't you.", Father sneered, "While you can." He turned on his heel this being Draco's and mine sign to follow him. I mouthed 'sorry' as I walked past moving swiftly through the crowd to follow my brother and father. I enjoyed the game though little did I know the day would go terribly wrong from there.

The attack, death eaters marched into the middle of the celebrations. All chaos broke loose, and I found myself with Draco taking a breath in the forest After running through the burning field of tents.

"How can you look so calm? You know very well Father is-", I yelled at Draco.

"Not now Capella.", Draco tried to dismiss me.

"No! Don't not now me! Those are death eaters, and our father is one of them.", the anger boiled within me, my hair surely turning a deep shade of red.

"So what? They have a good cause.", Draco replied coolly.

"A good cause?", I asked in disbelief, "They want to kill muggles and muggleborns. They are evil.".

"What's it to you anyways?", Draco finally looked at me.

"What's it to me? They are murderers. The way you speak disgusts me.", I seethed and turned away enraged.

The Brightest Star: A Harry Potter Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now