6. hermione's birthday

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The next days passed in a blur and soon enough it was the evening of Sunday 18th September and Harry, Ron and I were sat in the common room having had sent Hermione away to the library.

"When are we giving her gifts?", I asked after I put a title of 'Hermione's Birthday' on top of my piece of parchment.

"You got her a gift?", Ron asked causing me to slap his arm, "Ouch! I was kidding!"

"How about in the evening?", Harry suggested.

"Great idea, and we can have a small party for her then. I don't think she'd want anything big. So just us, Ginny, Fred, George and maybe Parvati?", muttered while scribbling down some names.

"What about Lavender?", Ron asked but I just snorted in response shaking my head.

"She's friends with Angelina.", Harry added, and I wrote down Angelina too.

"I'll go and ask Fred and George to get some food from the kitchen.", Ron said.

"Alright I'll let people know where to meet us, I was just thinking the corner of the common room.", I said getting up.

"Alright then.", Harry said also getting up with Ron.


"Happy Birthday!!!", I screamed at Hermione's sleeping form.

"Arghhh! Capella! You scared me. Thank you.", she said while she slowly let go of the pillow she was clutching.

"Come on get dressed!", I said and pulled Hermione out of bed. After getting dressed we both walked into the bathroom.

"I do wish my birthday wasn't on a Monday though, a miserable one at that.", Hermione added thoughtfully looking out at the grey sky. [Did I just look up what day of the week September 19th, 1994, was? Yep. Should I be studying for my GCSE's right now instead of doing this? Yeppp. Am I going to? Nope. (For all the magic folk GCSEs are literally the equivalent of OWL's same year/age and all... I'd much rather be studying for the latter though)]

"It could be worse.", I said turning to Hermione with a mischievous smile, "You could have to share a birthday with a git like my brother."

We were still giggling when we ran down the stairs of the girls' dormitories. As soon as we came into view, I heard a chorus of "Happy Birthday 'Mione."'s and turned to see her blushing bright pink and reply with thank you's and smiles.

"You're in for the best birthday ever.", I said smiling.

At breakfast we laughed together at her parents attempt at using owl post. They had stuck several little pictures, which Hermione called stamps, onto the envelope and attached a fair bundle of paper I recognized as muggle money.

"... P.S. We hope that this is enough to cover the cost of the owl postman.", Hermione read out laughing lightly.

"That just about covers it.", Harry chuckled but I looked at Ron who seemed equally confused as to the true value of the money.

"Oh! How brilliant! We have Arithmancy today.", Hermione exclaimed after examining the timetable.

"You two have Arithmancy.", Ron corrected with a slight shudder.

"Well, you could have taken it too, you know.", Hermione added simply as she picked up a bowl of steaming porridge.

"And we have transfiguration, a perfect day apart from potions really.", I said, although Snape was decent towards me, I dreaded his lessons which always consisted of him picking on my friends.

"What about care of magical creatures? These skrewts will burn my arm of soon.", asked Ron, rubbing his arm where his sleeve covered a fresh burn, he suffered the previous lesson.

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