1| the kissing disease

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Hello to my lovely readers! This is my first oneshot. It takes place sometime after Legacy but will not include anything about (spoiler alert!) Keefe's new ability. There may be some slight Flashback and Legacy spoilers, so I would recommend reading those first. 

The song is Sober Up, by AJR and Rivers Cuomo. I may change the song if I find a better fit, but this is one of my favorites.

All night long Sophie had been tossing and turning feverishly. Sweat plastered hair to her forehead, even though she felt like she had been tossed in a bucket of ice. Sophie knew she was sick, but hoped if she could for once get a few hours of sleep, she would wake up feeling much better. After hours of trying to convince her body to fall asleep, even though it surely meant more nightmares, a splitting headache and uneasy feeling in her stomach caused her to give in and tell Sandor. Sophie rallied all of her strength and willpower to push herself out of bed, taking a second to adjust to the way the room seemed to spin under her. If there was any doubt of her being awfully sick, the way her stomach heaved when she attempted to walk confirmed it. She stumbled to the door and leaned on it for support, her energy quickly draining from the hike across her room.

"Sandor?" Sophie quietly hissed, not hoping to wake Edaline and Grady.

"Miss Foster? Do you need help? Just say the word and I will kick this door right down!" Sandor responded, hopefully not planning to literally kick the door down as it was the only thing keeping Sophie from collapsing onto her flowery carpet.

"I just need you to... grab some elixirs for me," Sophie panted. The room was still spinning more than ever and her brain felt foggy. "I might be a little sick, but it's probably not..." she trailed off as the room seemed the spin faster and black dots clouded her vision. The last thing she saw before blacking out was Sandor slamming the door open, pushing her back a step as she collapsed in a sweaty heap on the floor. 

Sophie awoke to searing headache and a rumpled Elwin leaning over her.

"Sophie? Sophie! You gave us quite the scare there for a good minute. I came the second Sandor hailed me," Elwin started as he handed her a thick green elixir that hopefully tasted better than it looked. Sophie glanced over to where Sandor was standing in the corner of her room, his face twisted in worry.

Elwin continued,"I ran a few tests and oddly enough it seems you have a human disease. I believe they call it 'Mono' or 'the Kissing Disease'," at this he gave her a smirk that even Keefe could've been proud of. Sophie tried to burrow her way deeper under the sheets as to not see the pointed look he was giving her.

Sophie and Keefe had been secretly dating for more than three months now. Things had gotten so complicated with Fitz that she simply wasn't ready for a serious relationship that everyone knew about, and Keefe was perfectly okay with it. He had been supporting her through so much recently, from bringing her extra mallowmelt when she was stressed (that earned him a lot of boyfriend points), to reassuring her that he didn't care if they were a Bad Match, as long as they got through the scorn together. Recently Sophie had decided she wasn't going to bother with matchmaking, even if she did somehow manage to discover her biological dad and get permission from Oralie. It was simply something she had done to make Fitz happy, even though deep down she knew it wasn't right. But as the Moonlark, Sophie was there to create change in the Lost Cities. Meaning if she knew something was wrong, she wasn't going to stand for it.

Despite Keefe and Sophie keeping their relationship strictly private, there had been a rather unfortunate incident in which Elwin had walked in on the two sharing a quick kiss (that ended up not being so quick) in a dark corner of Foxfire. They made him swear on Stinky the Stegosaurus not to tell a soul, and he hadn't. Even two months later when Sophie still wasn't ready for things to be public. Besides Elwin, the only others that knew about Sophie and Keefe were Edaline, Grady, and Sandor (who had been surprisingly helpful in the cover story department). 

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