What comes next*

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Amara's POV

We decided to stay at the farm house a couple days so everyone could rest.

"You know we could stay here build it up make it safe. Theres already fences." Jax said.

"I cant do that Jax I have to find my family. I have to find Daryl."

"You could have a life here. A family here with me."

"Oh Jax I'm sorry that I don't feel the way you do. I love you as a friend. Your always going to be my friend. But I'm in love with Daryl it's always gona be him."

"What if he's dead Amara? Then what?"

"He's not dead. He's not he can't be."

"Part of me wants him to be Amara."

"How could you say that?"

"Because I love you and I'm selfish."

"We need to go check on the girls Ty should be back soon."

The closer we got to the house. Something just wasn't right. Mica Lizzy and Judy. Were on a blanket in the yard. Mica wasn't moving. Once we got close enough we could see Mica covered in blood.

"Lizzy what happened?"

"I had to show you that she would still be her when she came back. I was just getting ready to do Judith."

"Lizzy no honey we don't wana do Judith she can't even walk yet."

"Yeah maybe your right we should wait."

Ty came upon us and gasped. "What the hell is going on?"

Trying to keep Lizzy calm I told Ty.

"We're just waiting for Mica to wake up so we can play,but it might be awhile right?" I said to Lizzy.

"What if we let Jax and Ty take Judith in to make some lunch and you and I can wait for Mica? How would that be?"

"You won't kill her you promise?"

Trying hard to keep the tears out of my eyes and my voice steady.

"I promise."

After awhile I talked Lizzy into going to eat while we waited on Mica.

After talking to Jax and Ty there really was only one thing we could do.

"I'll do it." I said.

"No you can't handle that Amara you can't" Jax said.

I don't know Amara that's alot to handle are you sure?" Ty said.

"She would be more comfortable with me. It would be easier."

I took Lizzy walking in the yard.

"Are you mad at me for Mica?"

"No baby I'm not mad."

"I know she'll come back I know it."

"Yes she will Lizzy."

"Just please don't be mad at me Amara."

"I'm not mad at you Lizzy. Why don't you go look at the flowers honey pick out some nice ones for Mica."

With her back to me I raised my gun tears now streaming down my face. Lizzy fell into the flowers and I fell to my knees.

It wasn't long till Jax had his arms around me.

"Its okay you did what you had to. He kept saying."

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