Chapter 1

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Arabella's POV

"Arabella!" "Arabella!"

I snap up and quickly glance around my bedroom. Nothing.

"Arabella! Arabella!" The voice calls again.

I quickly yank the chord on the lamp next to me and the room illuminates with light. Still nothing.

I pull the sheets back and slip out of the covers. I open the door to my bathroom and peer in. Nothing.

A large sigh escapes me. I'm probably just hearing things.

"Arabella! Arabella!" The voice beckons again.

I walk back across my room and open the door.

Instead of the dimly lit hallway, I see a beautiful garden. In front of me is an aisle, shaped by rows of people. Directly at the end is Peter, dressed sharply in a black and white suit. Standing next to him are my sisters, beautifully dressed in torquise dresses.

I feel tears form in my eyes. Different than the kind I'm used to.

I feel someone next to me and turn to see Charming is holding his arm out for me.

I falter for a second, wondering how I'm supposed to get married in my pajamas. Then I look down to see I'm dressed in a breathtaking satin white ball gown.

I take my father's arm and he guides me down the now rose petal covered grass.

My eyes lock with Peter's. They aren't filled with the desperation anymore. They're full of genuine joy and happiness, as well as the same tears forming in my own eyes.

"Arabella! Arabella!"

The voice cuts through the scene.

Suddenly the wind picks up, and the soft sunlight turns to gray.

I desperately search around me, but everyone is gone. All that is left is a landscape of dirt and ash.

My eyes fly open.

"Arabella! Goodness I have been trying to wake you up forever! " Sam says opening the curtains to my room, causing bright sunlight to cascade in.

"Can you believe it's Sylvia's big day? It feels like just yesterday we climbed into his ship. Remember that? She was like high off of some mermaid drugs or something?"

I chuckle and nod.

"Well you better get up, it's pretty early but there are so many things that need to be done, we have to do our make up, fix our hair, make sure our dresses are perfect, take pictures-"

"Hey Sam Sylv needs you, she wants to go over proper wedding etiquette," Anastasia interjects walking through the door.

Sam rolls her eyes, "Really? Come on that was one high school graduation!"

"You made the podium fly around the gym. Some kids were in therapy for weeks trying to understand what they saw," I say.

"Well everyone knows about magic here," She responds.

"Just go, she probably wants to go over who you're walking down the aisle with or something," Ana says.

Sam trudges out of the room.

"Hey," Ana says, sitting next to me on the bed.

"Hey," I respond flatly.

She gives me a sympathetic glance. She understands. She knows it would've been me and him today had fate not twisted.

"It's going to be a good day," She gives me a reassuring smile, "I promise."

I return the smile, and get up.

"Well you better get ready, when Sam said makeup she meant fairies putting pixie dust eyeshadow on us."

"What, no please tell me Sylvia is going to poof up some Mary Kay or something?" I beg.

She laughs, "Hurry if you want to find out."

With that she walks down the hall, and I follow right behind.

The Lost Boy (Sequel to The Lost Realm)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon