Chapter Twelve

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Arabella's POV

Ana and I continue through the blanket of night. Our clandestine actions carrying us safely through the town, into the castle, and into my room once more. It's astonishing how little security this place has. Everyone trusts each other, something an Earth bred girl like myself could never possibly understand.

"Were you serious?" Ana snaps, the second I close the bedroom door.

I nod, heading toward my wardrobe and pulling out a medium sized, red suitcase from underneath.

"We can't leave tonight. How could you abandon our family like that?" Her voice increases to the loudest it can be in a house of sleeping souls.

"Go ahead wake them. Hell let the whole town know. Get me a cake with 'Bon voyage' written on it, I don't care. I've waited so long for this, there's nothing stopping me," I plop the suitcase onto my bed and begin stuffing it with various clothing.

As if on cue, a light knock emerges on the door. Ana gives me a skeptical glance that I quickly ignore. "Come in," I softly call.

Sam pops her head in, surveying the situation. "Um late night travels?" A tone of amusement breaks through.

"Something like that," I mutter, still concentrating on organizing my belongings.

Sam opens the door fully and enters. Then, instantaneously, Sylvia appears, her curiosity escaping through her eyes. "Is everyone okay?"

"What's happening?" Hook's voice calls from behind her, his face just out of my view.

"Arabella and I managed to get beans that can transport us to Earth. She's up and locked about leaving tonight." Ana says. I feel everyone's attention fall on me, but I continue with my packing.

"What do you think you're doing?" Charming's voice breaks through the crowd of people. They split, and Snow and him stand there, glaring at me. I stop in my tracks, standing tall and facing them.

"I'm going. I don't care what you think," I harshly say, returning their fierce stare.

The two of them walk into the room, never breaking eye contact with me. Snow's face is a little softer than Charming's, but isn't completely sympathetic toward my wishes.
"You are not," She speaks. "I mean, even if you were to, when you arrived it would be nightfall-"

"Actually the time of day is inverted from Earth, there's a map of each realm in the library," Ana interjects, immediately growing quiet when our parents' aggravated glances fall on her.

"It doesn't matter," Charming says, speaking to me once again, "You'd still be in a realm completely detached from us."

"I think you've forgotten I GREW UP in that realm," I say, my voice growing louder, similar to the episode at the family meeting.

"You'll be away from us and the safety this realm brings!" Charming responds. "Regina can't get to you here, I don't know about the other realms."

"I don't give a damn about Regina! Also, the magic that sent these letter managed to get into the realm, so how safe really is this place?"

Everyone's faces tighten, and my parents' eyes burn a brighter flame. I'd just combined anger and fear, a toxic combination.

"That's it, give your mother and I the beans right now. I don't care how old you are, we're still the rulers of this kingdom and your parents," Charming demands through clenched teeth.

I look at Ana. She nods and hands Snow the pouch we'd gotten from the fairies.

My mother looks up at me, "We will discuss this in the morning. Remember we love you," her voice is calm and steady. Charming nods in agreement, his anger seemingly relinquished, "we do."

Then they walk out, and like a domino chain everyone else follows, leaving only Ana and I in the room.
She shuts the door behind them.

"Wonderful," I huff, plopping down onto my bed, "I was so close to finding him, so close."

All the frustration floods through me, rippling through my veins; flooding my heart with poison. I close my eyes, trying to use the darkness to shut out the pain.

"They don't understand, they will never understand. They all get to live out their perfect lives. Their hearts don't have the hole I have-"

"They don't have to understand," Ana says, a strange tone in her voice. I look up. She holds something in her hand.

"Are those-"

She gives a peculiar smile, as if not knowing whether to be proud or guilty for what she'd done.
"Two magic beans."

"Hello?" Someone calls from outside the door, their voice accompanied by a slight tapping.

"Sam?" I answer.

She opens the door and enters, quietly shutting it behind her. "Sorry to do this again, lost my bracelet. I think it might be-what are those?" Her eyes gape at the beans in Ana's hand.

"Great job keeping them a secret," I mutter sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"It's Sam," Ana sasses back.

We both turn to Sam, who's face had changed from confusion to mischievous. "So, those are two of the beans I assume?" We nod.

A wild grin appears on her face. "Then it's time for an adventure."

The Lost Boy (Sequel to The Lost Realm)Where stories live. Discover now