A Chapter You Wished It Was In This Story

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(Still at age 24 for Trollex)

Prince Trollex was reading a story about what happened many years ago to a bunch of little Techno Trolls in a sea rock...

Prince Trollex: ...And so forth, that the rest of the Techno Trolls lived on in perfect love and harmony. The end *closed the book*

StarFish: And that's why we're celebrating the day we escaped from Shark Kingdom and our freedom

Prince Trollex: That's right *swam to the bookshelf and placed the book in*

Sea Trench: I wish we can party over every exciting thing

Tsunami: *raised her hand* Mr. Trollex? Does the Sharks still want to eat us?

Prince Trollex: Well, yes. And it's because we taste *in a goofy voice* so delicious!

The Techno kids giggled and laughed at the way he said it...

Sunfish: Like a sea berry pie?

Angel: Or seaweed?

Prince Trollex: *normal voice* Mmm, more like a sea berry pie wrapped in seaweed

Techno Kids: Yum!*😋*

Tsunami: But don't want to be food

Prince Trollex: *holds her hand* Hey, it's ok. Don't think about something that might happen, and start thinking about things that's going to happen

And then...

Queen Marine: Prince Trollex? What ever happened to brave Queen Marine?

Techno Kids: You're Queen Marine!

Queen Marine: *chuckled* Long live the queen!

Prince Trollex: *swam up to her* And you and King Coral ruled on for 24 years later, until you find the right time to retire

Queen Marine: *as she puts her hand on his cheek* And then we passed the crown down to our beloved son, Trollex

Prince Trollex: *😊*

Then they heard King Coral outside...

King Coral: Trollex? Trollex, where are you son?

Techno Kids: KING CORAL!!!

King Coral: *sees the kids and his wife and swam inside* Oh! Hello, children. *to Marine* Honey *kissed her cheek* Say, has anybody seen Trollex?

Prince Trollex: Uh, *waved to his dad* I'm right here, Dad

King Coral: *sees him* Oh! There you are. But wait, if you're here, *pulled out Coral Blush out of his hair* then who in the hair is this?

Coral Blush (I could've named Trollex's dad Current, but it's to late. Plus it has a nice ring to it. Or the parents named him Coral after King Coral. Either which): *grabs Trollex's headphones from King Coral's hair and hands it to Trollex* *giggled* You're going to be the best king ever, Trollex!

Prince Trollex: *grabs his headphones* Thank you, Coral. And I know we're gonna be throwing the best rave ever!

Everyone: *😁🎵💙*

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2020 ⏰

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