1. Buried Feelings

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A police car zoomed down the road, its wheels screeching as it tried to make the sharp turns. A bright, orange roadster sped in front of it, the driver's hair whipping in the wind as he turned around with a scowl on his face. Chief Burns sat in the police car's driver seat with a determined look. But his hands were no where near the steering wheel.

"Sir, the fugitive appears to be climbing altitude. I fear he won't have much road left to drive upon." The police bot's face had appeared on the screen in front of the chief. Chief Burns nodded. "You're right, partner. We should probably contact the whole team to assist on this mountain before things start to get hairy." The rescue bot raised a metal eyebrow. "I am sorry Chief. I was not aware that this human's follicle projections would be involved in this particular situation." The police chief chuckled, knowing that the alien robot didn't understand most human terms. "It's an expression Chase. It means things could get out of control or really difficult." The police bot nodded but a confused expression remained on his face.

The speeding driver continued to climb up the mountain as Chase and Chief Burns pursued him close behind. The chief pushed a finger to his comm link and spoke into it. "Team we have a car reaching dangerously high speeds on Lookout Mountain. I need everyone for immediate backup." Chase spoke into his comm too. "As the chief said, we certainly do not want things to 'get hairy'." 

"Rescue Bots, Roll to the Rescue!" exclaimed Heatwave, the leader of the rescue bots. They all transformed into vehicle mode. Boulder and Heatwave exited the firehouse via the garage doors while Blades took off from his helipad. The copter bot had a worried look on his face. Dani, his partner, looked concerned. "Blades, what's wrong?" 

"We're going to a mountain, and mountains are pretty high," he quivered. 

"Oh don't worry Blades, Lookout Mountain is one of the smaller mountains on Griffin Rock."

"Why is it called 'Lookout' Mountain?"

Chief Burns interrupted their conversation. "Because it is one of our steepest mountains and if we don't hurry the mountain's name will have a more relevant meaning." 

Blades gulped. He didn't like the sound of that. Neither did Heatwave, whose entire being was sworn to protect. "Then we need to hurry," he said as he and Boulder reached the foot of the mountain. They transformed into bot mode. The rescue bot leader pressed two digits to his comm link and started shouting out orders. "Blades, you take to the sky and locate the roadster. Be ready to grab its bumper with your winch if worse comes to worst. Chase keep pursuing it. Boulder, with me." 

Chief Burns smiled as he heard the rescue bot leader giving out his commands. After the transformers had arrived in Griffin Rock to learn about humans and assist in rescues, he had to get used to not being the only leader of the team. But the chief was a gracious man and never complained about it unless the situation was dire and he knew that he would lead it better.

Chase steered professionally as the road became thinner and thinner. He noticed that the orange roadster had slowed down a little, probably because the driver was becoming wary of his decision. The police bot notified this to both his leaders. "Great. He's slowing down. Chase, try to catch him." The fire bot replied.

Heatwave's partner, Kade, grumbled in the driver's seat. "C'mon Heatwave, when are we gonna get into the action??" Heatwave growled in reply. "When I say so!" Kade clutched the steering wheel tightly and ground his teeth. He hated to be man-handled. Also literally. 

Back at the firehouse, Cody, the youngest of the Burns family, was managing the command center. He searched through the security cameras within view of Lookout Mountain. Then he saw something shocking. 

My Rescuer (Heatwave x Quickshadow Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें