Chapter 11 - A Holy Crusade

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Silence filled the Council chambers, but Liliana could feel every eye turn toward her

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Silence filled the Council chambers, but Liliana could feel every eye turn toward her. And it was there, covered in mud and still sweating from her game of jupa that she said the words:

"I move that we declare war on Pervez."

"I second the motion." Marc's voice, but she didn't turn to thank him because her eyes held her captive. 

Lady Diana smiled and tipped her head toward Liliana. Thank you, she mouthed. 

Suddenly, she wished she could take the words back. Liliana couldn't understand her certainty, but something, something deep in the pit of her stomach cried out in warning. Said she'd fallen for it. Said she'd regret those words.  

"I move the previous question." Her words dripped from her lips like honey, and Liliana watched as a smile spread across her face before it disappeared. Lady Diana the Seer was replaced by Lady Diana the Mourner, and tears washed the insincerity from her face leaving her cheeks pink and blotchy. 

"I second the motion," Captain Forte, another native of Ethrya, called from his seat at the table. 

Lady Diana hurried to compose herself. "The motion has been properly moved and seconded. It requires a two-thirds vote in the affirmative to pass. All those in favor say aye."

It was unanimous. 

So was the vote to declare war. 

Liliana sank into her seat and felt her stomach turn. She felt like she was a prisoner of her own silence--like speaking now, like doubting now was unforgivable. Treacherous.

Who was the traitor? 

She remembered the voices. Have I condemned us all without knowing it? 

She couldn't make it stop: it was a shrill, unsettling siren in her mind. She was certain she just committed a deadly sin. Liliana was sure she, in a moment that should have felt like a victory, had made her own coffin and now all that was left was for her to lay down in it.

Even as Lady Diana asked for a volunteer to show the Scout to the guest wing and Hisashi stood to escort her. Even as Rajii lifted his eyes to meet hers. 

His voice rattled through her mind like a wild sunlight bursting through a summer tempest: Meet me in the Kirkko. 


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