Before you read:

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Hello there reader,

Thank you for choosing to read this!
A few things before we start of though:
1. This is obviously based on the Harry Potter books but some details will be changed and bits will be added.
2. Similar to point 1 and equally as obvious, I do not own any of J.K. Rowling's characters. Capella is my character though.
3. If you're wondering about Capella's unusual name it's a star as everyone in the Black family is named after a star or constellation. You will see me shorten it to Ella sometimes.
4. The plot is based upon a mix of the movies and books.
5. Capella, like the rest of her family, is supposed to be really good looking.
6. The appearance of the characters is meant to be like the actors who play them in the movies apart from Harry who has green eyes like in the books. (and let's make him a tad taller than 5'5", maybe 5'10"-6'0")
7. Votes are nice but what matters to me more are comments- feel free to give me feedback even if it's some constructive criticism but please be nice to my fragile feelings ;)
8. I will upload a new chapter once or twice a week (ish)
9. I will not make Ginny a horrible person who starts to bully Capella or some other bs.
10. It starts of a bit slow but I have plans, trust me, I don't want to jump into Harry and Capella snogging or some shit. 
11. Kind of relevant to point 11, I've seen a few of similar ideas of fanfic scattered around (Draco's sister). I've only read one previous to writing this so I don't accidentaly steal any ideas. If you feel this is similar to something you've read I hope it will differentiate from the crowd as the story goes on.
12. I have quite a clear image of Capella in my head and it is often very tempting to make her perfect and the most powerful witch ever, trust me I'm trying to stop myself :)
13. I might add to this list if I think anything else needs explaining

A 'fact file' on Capella:
~Name: Capella Narcissa "Ella" Malfoy *fun fact Capella is the sixth brightest star in the sky* 
~Height: I'm envisioning her to be around 5'7"-5'8" so quite tall but shorter than Draco
~Hair: Platinum Blonde quite long at the start but she cuts it to look like on the cover later on
~Eye colour (or color if you're American): Blue-Grey like Draco is meant to have in the books
~Wand: 10 inch Hawthorn phoenix feather core
~Quidditch position: chaser
~Spouse: It varies from moment to moment [let me know if you get the reference] (yes, I know the title kind of gives it away but at least let me pretend to build up some tension)
~Parents: Lucius Malfoy and Narcissa Malfoy (neé Black)
~Sibling: Draco Lucius Malfoy
~Pet: Olive(Eagle owl)
~Special Abilities: Metamorphmagus

If you have any other questions let me know in the comments and I'll answer:)

The Point of View will change but it will be mostly third person or Capella's POV occasionally Harry's.

One last thing, I promise, anything in this bold slanted font are notes from me usually in square brackets.

Okay, that being said let's get on with the story!!!

~ kindagay13

Heyyy so i've completely rewritten this book so yeah enjoy it now that it's less crappy:)

The Brightest Star: A Harry Potter Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now