Chapter 2

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i- not real ppl reading this plssss😭😭 whats the appeal to skinny white men this shits crazy lmaoo . i'm not kink shaming you or anything but at the same time ??? n e ways i cant control what straight women do with their time so imma keep writing this ksdhhf ✌🏼✌🏽

Warning : cursing and mention of alcohol (somewhat sexual themes)

You stared in awe at the granite bar in the middle of the large dancefloor and the fluorescent coloured lights that danced around the room all the way to a low loft area with tables that was positioned at the back of the club. Music boomed throughout the building as you made your way towards the bar with your friend. Aaliyah ordered her drink and stumbled somewhere else leaving you alone to order
"What'll it be?" The bartender asked her plainly.
"Uh I'll have a (A/B)" you replied.
"I'm back" Aaliyah smiled, two drinks in hand. She handed you one in the meantime while you waited for your own.
"Oh god finally" you laughed, sipping on the fruity beverage.
"I just realized Ive barely even told you about my new job! I feel bad" you groaned.
"Well, you can tell me later I just wanna get fucked uppp"
"The way you been acting you already seem fucked up" You joked, letting out a small laugh.
"Maybee,, HAHSHAH" she exaggerated your laugh which caused you both to wheeze uncontrollably.
"Can you make another of whatever she ordered?" Aaliyah sloppily asked the bartender while pointing at you.
The man behind the counter spun around and began to prepare your drinks. As the night continued you two danced and talked until once again you were interrupted.
"Ugh wait here one second someones calling me." Your friend rolled her eyes.
It had barely been an hour and you were alone again. You shuffled through your purse for your phone and somehow managed to hear a notification over the music that played overhead and checked to see who had messaged you.
Aaliyah you read. The man behind the counter slid your drink towards you before you opened the text.
"hey where r u ?? imma need to leave my landlord called nd there's a leak at my place😒 when u get home sb cus if u don't imma be mad asab"
(a/n ik y'all know how to use urban dictionary don't come for me lmao)
You read it while taking a sip of your drink and stood up. Before you had the chance to look up from your phone you felt yourself trip and fall onto a tall lanky man, nearly spilling your drink onto him.

Once-ler's POV (time jump backwards)

I sat back lazily in the backseat of the limousine, smirking (take a shot every time i say smirk skjfhf) through the closed window as it was swarmed by paparazzi.
"You know they can't see you, right?" The driver murmured from far away.
"I know, sweetheart" I shrugged sarcastically.
She cleared her throat nervously as she slid up the divider between us. I chuckled at the gesture knowing that my remark was harmless. I could never imagine myself with one of my employees sexually, let alone genuinely having feelings for one. I just enjoyed how flustered women would get when I boredom-flirted with them.
She drove around the city for a few more minutes before arriving at the entrance of my destination.  I stepped into the reception area of the office building and was told to go to the a room on the 5th floor to which I obliged.
When I silently opened the door I was greeted by the faces of possible investors.
"Ah, Mr. Once-ler! You finally decided to join us."
I felt the blood rush to my face and I began to stutter "u-um I'm so sorry for keeping you gentlemen waiting, you see I recently had to let go of my assistant and-" you were interrupted the same man.
"No need to explain, Sir, we've already wasted enough time."  The room erupted in laughter.
Shit. Two minutes in and I've already fucked up.
"Okay! Let's continue as planned" I tried my best to sound confident in my ideas as I explained my proposal to them. The men discussed it thoroughly before the older man from before turned to me.
"and my investors will revive 10% of profits that arise from this?" He questioned.
"Yes, yes that's correct" I replied trying to hide my excitement.
"Then it's a done deal!" He rose to shake my hand, as did the rest of his team.
"And Mr Once-ler?" he paused before whispering the final words "when you want something you need to take it. Stop asking. Man up." He patted my back and left the room.

(lmao toxic masculinity tease)

Time : 12:56

The streetlights illuminated the now nearly-empty city as I slid into the car. The chauffeur began to drive in the direction of my hotel as we go passed the club from before.
"Stop here." I suddenly said.
She looked back in confusion before speaking "But Sir-" she stopped talking realizing it could cost her job.
"Of course, Sir." she mumbled.
I pushed through the crowd trying to get to the bar when I felt someone fall against me.
"Fucking hell watch where you're,, going,," I looked down at the woman who I had collided with surprised by her short stature. Her shiny h/c hair framed her cute face that began to heat up from the embarrassment. For a few moments my eyes caught on her (for lack of a better word cus ong y'all not gon catch me saying bosom EVER☠️) boobs.
God. Was I staring?
I shuffled in place awkwardly looking down at her. She looked like she was going to start screaming any second so I spoke without thinking.
"Ma'am I'm SO SORRY! Are you okay?" I panicked.
She opened her mouth to speak but I stopped her.
"Let me buy you a drink as an apology." I added slyly.
She smiled and replied "why do I feel like you did that on purpose?"
I laughed and gestured to the bartender to come over.  The man looked over at the woman and asked for what was she claimed was like hundredth time that night what her drink of choice was.
"Imma have a (A/B)" she said.
"Really?" I said, smirking.
She rolled her eyes and took a few sips.
"You should try some" she giggled, handing me the drink.
I pressed my lips against the glass and hesitantly tasted the beverage. The taste was very different than what I expected and I quickly put it down.
"Wow um,, that was something" I murmured.
"Too strong?" She laughed and touched my shoulder.
I blushed and stared down at her clothes. They looked really good on her. The small top pushed her boobs together a bit while her skirt left a little more to the imagination, reaching just above her knees (A/N not slut shaming btw lol i dress like a hoe onna daily you do you bbyg you're gorgeous no matter what you wear). It was tight, though maybe not intentionally, on her her hips and butt.
"AY! You good?" She moved her (s/c) hand so it rested on my thigh.
"Y-Yeah I'm good! Never been better! What were we talking about?" I stuttered.
I shifted in my seat to hide the growing bulge in my pants.
"Uhm okay? You don't seem like it."
"You should have another drink. It's on me." I said trying to change the topic.
She nodded in agreement and we began to talk about something else as we waited.


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