The Fourth Month

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Tony was doing better. He had been able to resist the urge to drink and had been reading some books and articles about parenting because he knew absolutely nothing about parenting. And it didn't help that he had shit parents growing up. 

Right now, he sat in his office at Stark Industries. He was reading about newborns and how to take care of them in case they got sick. He should've been doing work for the company, as per Pepper's request (order).

There was a knock at the door, and Obie walked in, holding a bottle of whiskey in his hand and two glasses, "Tony! long time no see,"

Maybe because I've been avoiding you, he thought. "Obie," Tony acknowledged him, not matching his enthusiasm. He poured two glasses and sat on the chair opposite Tony. He handed Tony a glass, "No, thanks," He politely declined, which, to be honest, surprised him more than it surprised Stane. 

"So, you've been busy," Stane said, leaning back in his seat.

"You could say that," 

"Well, don't worry, I took care of Riedo. You won't have any distractions,"

Tony frowned, "Took care of? How? What did you do?"

"I paid her, but she declined," He shrugged. Tony shot up from his seat and shot Stane a glare as he exited the office. He stood in the hallway, a few feet away from his office and dialed Amy. She picked up after three rings.

"Tony? Why are you calling?" she asked.

"Amy, listen, I'm sorry--"

"No, it's-it's fine. I get it. You changed your mind,"

"No. No, I didn't. Stane didn't even get my consent to do what he did. I still want him. Stane went behind my back,"

"Oh...okay. Good,"

"Yeah, I'm sorry,"

"No, it's fine. I understand,"


Tony sprawled on the floor in the room that would eventually turn into a nursery. It was the room opposite Tony's so that he could get to him fast. He was still deciding what colors to paint the walls when Pepper walked in, "Tony, what are you doing?"

He dismissed her question, "Do you think a pastel Blue and Grey would be nice for the walls?" he asked.

"Um, yeah sure. Do you want help?"

"No, I'm good. But, it would be nice if you could buy some baby...things. I have a list," he pulled out a wrinkled paper. Pepper smiled and exited the room to get her laptop. Tony popped open the paint bucket and started painting. It took him four hours to finish everything, and by the end, he was exhausted. 

Pepper walked back in, "I ordered everything you needed,"

"Thank you, Ms. Potts,"

"Mr. Stane called--"

"I don't want to talk to him,"

"Very well. Will that be all, Mr. Stark?"

Tony nodded, "That will be all, Ms. Potts,"

Pepper exited the room. Tony sat crossed-legged in the middle of the room, his mind was wondering. He still didn't have a name for his baby. He couldn't stop thinking about how he might look. What's his hair color? What's his eyes' color? He didn't want to admit that he was excited (and nervous) for his arrival. He had prepared himself for the countless sleepless nights (not that it bothered him since he doesn't sleep anyway), the crying, and sick days. He was prepared. Or so he liked to tell himself he was ready.


Tony called Amy the next day, just to check up on her. "Hey, Tony,"

"Hey. How you doin'?"

"As good as I can be when another creature is growing inside of me,"

Tony chuckled, "How is he?"

"Um, he's good. The doctor gave me a picture of the ultrasound. Do you, uh, want me to send you a pic?"

"Yes, please,"

Tony rubbed a hand on his face and sighed, "Do you want me to come?" he asked. He felt a bit guilty for not being by her side. He read how painful pregnancy can be.

"No, it's fine. Ian and my sister, Leah, are helping me," 

"I can rent an apartment in San Diego. It's not a problem,"

"I mean if you want to. Your help would be appreciated,"

"Yeah, sure. I'd be there tomorrow morning," 

"All right, see you, Tony,"


After he hung up he slouched on the couch in his lab. His body was still protesting from the lack of alcoholic beverages, but Tony tried to ignore it. Rhodey had called him last week, saying that he will be able to come earlier, that being after two months. Tony pulled out his phone and dialed Pepper's number.

"Mr. Stark,"

"Can you find us a loft or a small apartment in San Diego? You know Amy's address, get it near her apartment building," 

"Of course,"

"I need to be there tomorrow morning, so make it quick,"

"Sure thing. I'll get started immediately and inform you once I find one,"


As he hung up, he noticed a message from Amy. It was the ultrasound. He could barely make out his son's shape since he just looked like a blob. But for some reason, Tony loved him, and he promised himself he'd do anything for his kid. 

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