Coming Home

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A/N: skip to 1:18 on the video, that's when the lyrics start.

Tony didn't sleep at all. He didn't really complain about it, he was used to it. But he did feel himself dozing off every once in a while. Peter kept clutching his father's finger the whole night, and Tony found it the cutest thing ever.

When morning came, Pepper called him and told him that she, Rhodey, and Happy we're waiting for him at the loft and that Happy is coming to pick him up. At about 9 o'clock, the pediatrician came and did a quick check-up on Peter and gave Tony the all-clear to take him home.

So, here he was, in the back of his very expensive car, clutching his sleeping newborn son in his arms as he himself tried not to doze off, while Happy drove them to the loft.

Immediately when he came back, he was greeted by a very excited Pepper and Rhodey.

"Tony--oh, man, you look like shit, " Rhodey said, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Yeah, thanks, Rhodey. 'Cause I feel like shit, "

"You're gonna have to watch your language in front of..." Pepper trailed off, still not knowing the baby's name.

"Peter. His name is Peter," Tony smiled, looking down at the bundle in his arms.

The other three smiled at how soft Tony was. "He's adorable," Rhodey commented.

"Of course he is. He's my son," Tony smirked, as he walked past them and sat on the couch.

"You gotta go to sleep, Tony. You look exhausted," Rhodey said.

"Yeah, sure. Where are you guys staying?"

"We're staying in a hotel not so far from here, " Pepper said.

Tony nodded. Yes, he was exhausted, and he certainly needed to take a shower, but he couldn't bring himself to let Peter out of his sight.

"Tony, I'm sorry, but I'm needed in D.C. I'll see you when you come back home, alright?" Rhodey said, despair apparent on his face. Tony nodded in understanding.

"Don't worry, Platypus, your nephew will be waiting for you at home," Tony smirked. Rhodey gave him a hug and then left. Pepper said that she had some work to be done, so she and Happy went back to the hotel. She gave him a bag that had all the baby essentials before leaving. That left Tony alone with his son.

Peter was finally awake. He gazed up at Tony with his big, brown eyes. Tony gazed back at him, popping his nose which caused Peter to scrunch up his nose, "You're an adorable little shit, you know that?" Obviously, Peter didn't respond, though his grasp on Tony's finger tightened.

"I'll take that as a yes. Pepper said I shouldn't swear in front of you, but here's the deal, you can swear, but don't do it in front of her or she'll rip me apart when your first word becomes 'shit'," 

Peter yawned and squirmed in Tony's grasp. His small yawn made Tony's heart melt, "You're still sleepy, huh? Yeah, me too. Let's go to sleep." Tony got up and walked over to the bag that Pepper had left. He opened it and pulled out a blue footie pajamas. Peter was still wearing the one from the hospital so Tony thought he might as well change it. 

He walked up the few stairs to where his bed was and laid Peter down. He carefully removed his clothes. Peter's eyes started to water which caused Tony to panic, "Hey, hey, no need to cry, baby. I know it's like torture for you," he tried to coax him, which failed miserably, and Peter started crying. Tony finished dressing him up and gently lifted him into his arms, "Hey, we're done. No need to cry," Tony rocked him, hoping it would calm him down. But It didn't seem to work. Then Tony remembered what one of the nurses told him; she said that skin-to-skin contact with a parent might help the baby stop crying (It's called the Kangaroo method, or something, Tony was way too tired to remember).

So, he pulled off his shirt and removed Peter's pajamas. Tony sat on the bed, his back against the headboard and held Peter in an upward position against his chest. He draped his shirt on Peter's back to he wouldn't be cold and started swaying softly from side to side. It seemed to calm Peter down a little, but he still didn't stop crying, so he resorted to his last option. Singing.

"I'll give you everything I have,

I'll teach you everything I know,

I promise I'll do better,

I will always hold you close,

But I will learn to let you go,

I promise I'll do better,

I will rearrange the stars,

Pull 'em down to where you are,

I promise I'll do better,

With every heartbeat, I have left,

I'll defend your every breath,

I will soften every edge,

Hold the world to its best,

With every heartbeat, I have left,

I'll defend your every breath. I'll do better," 

Tony would have never pictured himself singing to a crying baby. But it seemed to calm Peter down and was now in a peaceful slumber. Tony kissed the top of his head, then maneuvered him gently so he was lying on the mattress next to Tony. He slipped under the cover, turning on his side to face Peter before turning off the light next to his bed and rested his head on the pillow.

He caressed Peter's face with the back of his fingers, then let Peter clutch it in his tiny hand, before drifting off to sleep. 

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