The Meeting of Oak

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"THEY DO EXIST!" I shouted. I was in the middle of a heated argument. I had been sitting on the edge of the Mystic Falls wishing well reading my favorite book about alternate dimensions like I do every day when this man walked up and commented on my choice of book, saying that anyone who believed stuff like that was insane and overly paranoid. In the typical Cole Smith manner, I let my temper get the best of me.

"Can you prove it?" the pudgy man asked.

"Not yet...BUT I WILL" I have been trying to prove the existence of alternate dimensions for years. People thought I would never amount to anything, that I was just a conspiracy nut. This unfortunately leads to many interactions like this. Random strangers coming up and harassing me, simply because I was devoted to my research. It was so annoying.

"Sure. you're nothing but a conspiracy nut. Just like your father" the man sneered. I saw red as I was blinded by rage. My father has been missing for the last 3 years. He was viewed as a conspiracy nut before he disappeared. I continued his work after his disappearance.

"DONT TALLK ABOUT MY FATHER," I yelled, shoving the man. He shoved me hard in retaliation. I stumbled back, before feeling my knees crash against something. I pitched backward, into the very well I had just been sitting at. My world slowed as I fell. Minutes became hours, or so it seemed. I was floating through space, all knowledge of time gone.

Then suddenly time was back to normal, and I saw a green field. I fell towards the ground at alarming speeds. I braced myself for the pain that was sure to follow. I felt myself slow down a bit, making me less freaked out. I hit the ground hard. Not hard enough to break anything, but strong enough to knock me out. I felt my eyes slide closed as I made note of the well, or rather the lack of well.

I woke up in a field. I heard a distant whinnying. As I looked to my left, my eyes tried to focus on what I can only assume was a group of four or five horses. My vision swam as I tried to focus on the blurry creatures. I lay back in the grass as my vision darkened once again.

When I woke up again it was night. The stars mystically twinkled above me. I slowly made my way to my feet, checking for injuries as I stood up. When I finally got to my feet, I did a sweep of the place. I was in a field. To my left was a group of maple trees, standing tall. The horses stood nearby, grazing. To my right was a small, petite house.

I made my way towards the house, the moonlight reflecting off the darkened windows. I opened the door of the small brick house, stumbling through the open doorway.

All of a sudden I was blinded by a flash of light. I covered my eyes in shock, blinking quickly in order to get my eyes to adjust.

"Sorry about that. You scared me" a shaky voice said. "I'm Oak Smith."

"Your name is Oak?" I questioned.

"Yep. and you are..."

"Oh, I'm Cole. Cole Smith..." I was seriously confused. Why does this guy have the same last name as me? Where am I? What happened when I fell down that well?

"That's weird. We have the same last name. Anyway, what power do you have?" Oak asked.

"Power?!?!" I was stunned, "What do you mean power?"

"You know. Your power. I have umbrakinesis." Oak stated as if it was obvious.

"I don't have any powers." I murmured in confusion. "And what is umbrakinesis?"

"Wh-What?!?! What do you mean you don't have any powers?" Oak stuttered as he paled.

"I mean I don't have any powers." I scowled in annoyance.

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