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Later in the week, Peter was practically bouncing off the walls trying to convince Tony to go out with him. And of course, he agreed.

Tony was excited for them to spend sometime outside of the house together. Also, he wouldn't be so worried about Peter being alone.

"We're going out as superheroes! Oh shit! And I'm dating Iron Man!" Tony laughed, as though the younger had just put two and two together.

"Alright Pete, a few more tests and I'll be good to go. Get ready." Tony said, working with Friday on final calculations.

Peter was suited up in a matter of minutes.

• Peter •

I'll admit, I'm feeling pretty bad ass today. Tony is going with me, which he typically doesn't do. Of course since I asked...

He hasn't saved the world in a while, so I'm sure this will be good for him.

"What the- Bear!" Tony laughed.

I look over, wishing I had my camera with me. Tony is holding Bear, who has gotten much bigger, in his arms with his suit on. I smile at the sight, happy to see Tony enjoying himself already.

I would do anything to keep that smile on his face a moment longer. I love times like these, when Tony can just be himself.

Of course, he isn't always Mr. Serious, but most of the time, he's always thinking one step ahead. Preparing for the next thing. Which living this life, forces us to do so. It's nice for him to get a break from that for a moment.

Even if we are going patrolling right now....

I look back at the two to see Bear chasing Tony around the lab, as Tony just casually floats away from him.

"Tony! Don't tease him!"

Bear makes a dash for me, knocking me to the floor. He sits on my stomach, not letting me up, and pawing at my mask.

I laugh at Bear, trying to push him off me, but failing. "Bear! Get off you chunk!"

Tony flies by, scooping Bear up in his arms, and letting him go outside once more before we leave. He comes back to me, offering his hand.

"My hero." I put my hand on my heart dramatically.

"Very funny. But I'll take it." He smiles, then kisses me softly.

"I love you Tony." I whisper after pulling away.

"I love you too bug."

I kiss his cheek once more, before walking towards the back door.

"C'mon Bear, go lay down."

He races inside and jumps onto the couch. I kiss his head softly, before heading back towards the launch pad where Tony is waiting.

Nerves spike through me as I see him standing there. I huff, shaking my limbs to rid my body of them. I hadn't been nervous about this before.

But now I was worried for him. If Tony gets hurt, I have no idea what I'll do. It would be a repeat situation, just like with May. And that meant I wasn't fast enough. I wasn't thinking-

"Pete, honey? Are you okay?" Tony interrupts my thoughts.

I glance at him, thankful he can't see my face.

"Oh- uh yeah, yeah. Just waiting for you."

"Peter, your heart rate has elevated significantly higher than normal. Try taking a few deep breaths." Karen says suddenly.

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