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For the first time in, he didn't know how long, Peter had a completely dreamless sleep.

But if it wasn't one it was the other, and Tony struggled through the nightmare tonight.

Tony hadn't had much trouble with anxiety as of late, and he was proud of himself. As he had been Able to remember the techniques he needed to help fight off the anxiety.

Although today, his anxiety barreled through him like a truck today. He even tried taking his medication, but it wasn't helping. He wasn't sure what did him in this time, but it was enough to send him flying straight over the edge of a cliff he had desperately crawled his way off of.

• Peter •

I was pulled out of sleep way too early in the morning. I had no reason to wake up, but still I decided to get some water.

"Friday, what time is it?" I whispered, holding a finger to my lips.

"It is 2:13 a.m." She whispered back.

I nodded, walking slowly back to our room. I joined Tony back in back, wanting to fall back asleep, before I have the chance to think about having a nightmare.

I had closed my eyes for only a moment, before I hear Tony's breathing speed up. I blinked quickly, trying to rid my sight of the darkness.

He let out a strangled groan, as his whole body tensed. A light sheen of sweat had gathered over his features, and his face was contoretef into a look of pain. He was having a nightmare.

"Tony?" I whispered, shaking him gently.

Nothing happened for a moment, before he had gasped for air, and begun thrashing around. My heart sunk, as I worried of what I should do.

I grabbed his arms, my strength coming in handy here, and held him close to me. He shook in my arms, as strangled sobs tore their way from his throat.

"Honey wake up." I tried calling again, louder this time, but to no avail.

Tears filled my eyes, as I could do nothing other than watch now.

"I'm here baby." I whispered, kissing his forehead, still holding him close.

• Tony •

"Peter watch out!" I tried to yell, but no sound came out, as I watched the horde of alien-looking monsters swarming at him.

It felt as though a hand had wrapped around my throat, and kept me from saying anything. All the words trapped right at the edge, just out of reach of warning Peter.

I looked around, seeing my suit on me. I flew up, and toward Peter, but the closer I got to him, the further he moved away.

I heard a scream, as the monsters had Peter completely surrounded. "Tony!"

"No..." I choked, desperately trying to reach out to him.

"Tony please!" He cried out.

"Peter!" I yelled, as loud as I could manage, but it sounded like a small whisper in my own ears.

"Dammit! Peter!" I cried as I heard another gut wrenching scream.

I fell to my knees as I had no choice but to watch Peter be mauled and shredded by those things. Listening to his cries and screams of pain.

"Tony, I'm here."

I felt a sob tear through my throat, as I dug my feet into the ground, pushing as hard I could against whatever was keeping me here. I have to get to him.

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