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It was a dark night. Clouds covered the moon, and soft rain drops fell onto his suit. It was cold, though he could barely feel it through the mesh. It was a quiet night for New York. He was just waiting for something, anything, to keep him from falling asleep.

'Maybe the bad guys decided to take the night off.' He thought to himself.

"Karen? Anything at all?" Peter whispers.

"Two blocks north of your current location. It appears a robbery is taking place." Karen's voice chimes in his ear.

'Wait.' his heart drops.

"Karen, exact location?" He asks, taking off north.

• Peter's POV •

"In the alley behind Starbucks." She calmly states. "Boss your heart rate is rising quickly. I suggest taking a few deep breaths."

I swing two blocks north, ignoring Karen's suggestions. I hear shouting. Two men, two women. One woman is lying in the ground, the other trying to pry her bag from the male. I jump down, kicking the first guy down. I wrap him in webs up against the wall. Just as as I turn towards the other guy, two deafening shots ring into my ears.

I see both women on the ground now. I web the gun from the mans hand, and his body flies towards me at the same time. I pop my knee up into his face, and he crumbles to the ground, unconscious.

"Friday! Call 911!" I yell.

'Please don't be you. Please don't be you.' This is the only thing running through my head.

I run to the first woman, it's not May, but it is one of her coworkers. Her breathing is shallow, and a bullet hole runs through her left side, in the middle of her rib cage.

"This is going to hurt." I whisper, hearing the faint sound of sirens. I use a small amount of webbing to cover her wound on the front side, and she groans in pain.

"Hold on." I lift her, exposing the bullet wound from the back, so I web the wound quickly.

"That should stop the bleeding." I get up, as I hear the sirens moving closer, I rush over to the next woman.

My blood runs cold. "No."

"May!" I tear my mask off, examining her for any injuries. A bullet wound straight into the middle of her chest, but it didn't go all the way through. Meaning it's stuck inside, probably damaging her body even more.

"Peter," she takes labored breaths. She reaches out for my face, rubbing my cheek softly.

"Aunt May, hold on please! The ambulance is coming!" I ask, shaking her gently.

I web the wound quickly to stop anymore bleeding. "May, you have to stay with me. Look they're right here!" I glance up seeing the two ambulances and police cars pulling up.

I throw my mask over my head. I pick May up, "May, everything's alright." I say, laying her onto the stretcher.

She reaches to hold my hand, "Peter, I love you, honey." A tear rolls down her face.

I quickly wipe it away, and squeeze her hand. "You're alright, May. I love you too." I say, feeling my eyes burn.

"Spider-Man, we have to move quickly please!" A paramedic shouts to me.

I nod. They arrest the two men, a police officer comes up to me, thanking me. All I can do is nod again. I can't move, and I feel like I'm stuck, as I watch the ambulances drive away.

I fall against the pavement, ripping my mask away, breathing heavily and wiping at my face.

"Is there anything I can do, Peter?" I barely hear Karen ask.

"I-I don't know!" I sob, staring into the sky.

"I can alert someone of your where abouts, to come get you. Or I can alert you to which hospital May Parker arrives at." Her voice sounds worried.

"Y-yeah I need you to do that anyways." I cry.

"Peter, can I assist in anything else?" My heart sinks, as I think of the only person I can call.

"Please Karen, c-call Mr. Stark." I whisper.

Hi! So, first chapter, of my first story. Technically I made another one ab newtmas, but I deleted it. 13 year old me was crazy and yeah. But I just wanted to say thanks to whoever decides to read this! I made all my chapters beforehand, just so ya didn't have to wait to read them. Also future chapters will be longer. Lmk what you think through the book! I'd love feedback. Anyways thank ya for reading! <3

Edited 09•30•21

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