Tom and Jerry

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Hey guys so this show was suggested by "thatismisssmithtoyou". l did some digging and found a creepy one.
 Tom and Jerry are nazi propaganda 
Note: This show came out in World War ll times.

So the theory is that Tom is the Allies (Britain) and Jerry is the Axis (Germany). Tommie is actually a slang term for a British shoulder. And if you paid attention in 7th grade geography then you know that Germany and Britain are the first to be in war. Yes before the US joined. Well if you remember the show then you know that Tom and Jerry always fought. Like they are at war.

Who is the antagonist (Bad guy)? Tom... The Allies... The side the US was on.... Jerry is protagonist (Good guy).....Take that as you may....

Thanks for reading. l want to personally thank "thatismisssmithtoyou". Please dont hesitate to suggest a cartoon. This theory in full was from KMACK Time.

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