Here's to the boys

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Here's to the boys
The boys that hate themselves
The boys that self harm
The boys who want to give up
The boys who can no longer be strong
The boys that feel worthless
The boys that never talk
The boys that always hide
The boys who are "invisible"
The boys who wants to die
The boys that drink their pain away
The boys who are afraid
The boys that have lost themselves
The boys who want to fade
The boys who can't find a reason
The boys who use drugs to cope
The boys who never want to wake up again
The boys that no longer feel hope
The boys who are bullied
The boys that gave up the fight
The boys who are "outcast"
The boys who are afraid of life
The boys who can no longer feel happiness
The boys that think their weak
The boys who think no one loves you
The boys that cannot speak
The boys who are abused
The boys that never grin
The boys who think no ones there for them
The boys that never win
You aren't alone, your loved
The boys that feel lost
Your pain shouldn't be ignored
I hope this is believed to be true
Don't give up

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