Chapter 10

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"Well, thanks to Shaggy, we have some suspects." Fred says as the group is walking down a sidewalk

"But how do we investigate them? If we get seen back on school grounds, we'll get arressted for trespassing." Ruby replies

Daphne was silent for a few seconds but then had an idea.

"We'll just have to disguise with the crowd." Daphne states

"With what? An invisibility serum? Cause those don't exist yet." Ruby replies

"Like, Ruby's right. Only way back onto school grounds without being spotted is using something like an invisibility serum." Shaggy adds

"I was actually thinking of a more....practical approach." Daphne clarifies

Later, at Shaggy's place, they were all getting in various disguises, so far Ruby being the only one fully disguised, her disguise being a younger version of her mom essentially.

"So, uh...The Bears really slaughtered those Dolphins last night huh?" Fred asked, trying to start some small talk

"What?? That's terrible." Shaggy responds. "Who in their right mind would bring un-amed bears to the beach???"

"No not real-you don't watch a lot of sports do you, Shag?" Fred responds

"Yeah, I do. I'm a big fan of the MLE." Shaggy replies

"MLE?" Fred asked

"MAjor League Eating." Shaggy answered. "You know, like that one Mistral guy who ate 53 hot dogs in under three minutes. It was thrilling."

"Sounds pretty cool." Fred comments

"If you want, I could take you to the next match." Shaggy offered. "Here's a tip, though, if you want to sit in the front bring a poncho."

"Alright i'm there." Fred says with a light chuckle in his voice

Later, after managing to get into the school in their disguises, Shaggy, Scooby Ruby, Fred, and Daphne spied o the janitor until he snuck into the boiler room. Velma was spying on the librarian but was caught but managed to make up an act as to why she was in a room students weren't supposed to be in. So, she put her cover up plan into action  after hiding a book she found behind her back.

"Students aren't supposed to be back here." the librarian says

"Exchange student. Very lost." Velma said in a foreign accent

"Is that a Russian accent I detect?" The librarian asked, curiously

Velma nodded.

"How wonderful."  The librarian said, excited. "I spent a semester studying the language at the University of Moscow."

The librarian spoke in Russian saying what would be translated to, "I ha so many wonderful times in Moscow. The people are magnificent. And I love the smell of  Moscow in the Springtime"

Velma responded in Russian by saying what could b translated to, "Yeah. It would be unfortunate if you had no nose."

The two shared a laugh as Velma headed for the door to leave and the librarian said, "Oh, I miss the Russian sense of humor."

"I must go now/ Friends need me." Velma said in a Russian accent before running off to tell the others about the book she had found

Later, while walking down into his room with Scooby, Fred, Daphne, and Ruby, Shaggy said, "I just can not believe the janitor checked out. I thought for sure that guy was dirty."

Ruby Rose in Scooby-Doo! The Mystery BeginsWhere stories live. Discover now