Chapter 7

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The next day, Shaggy was laying in his bed, pretending to be sick while Scooby and Ruby were watching over him.

"Feel better, honey. There's extra chicken soup in the fridge." Mrs. Rogers said to Shaggy, not aware he was messing around and faking being sick

"Thanks, Ma. And don't worry about me." Shaggy replied, coughing a little

"I'll be on my scroll all day if you need anything." Mrs. Rogers says as she walks upstairs

The moment Shaggy's mom went fully upstairs and out of view, Shaggy got out of his bed, took the thermometer out of his mouth, set the ice pack down, and took off the sort of cloak he had on over the regular clothes he had on under it.

"Hey, come on, you two, let's get this place cleaned up." Shaggy said

Ruby started loading some clothes into a drawer and dusted off the couch. Meanwhile,  Shaggy opened the door to his closet and Scooby was throwing all the clothes in the floor into the closet. Just after Shaggy got the closet door shut, Fred and Daphne arrived and knocked on the door. 

"Perfect timing." Ruby said as she opened the door to let the two in. "Fred, Daphne."

"Hey, Ruby." Fred said as him and Daphne stepped inside

"Make yourselves at home." Shaggy says as he walked over to grab something

"Sweet pad, Shag." Fred stated as he went to sit down on a couch

Once Fred sat on the couch though, one of it's legs broke and it slanted to a side and he immediately got back up. Shaggy then walked over with a tray of what looked like small cookies. Fred and  Daphne each took one and ate them.

"Wow, these are really good." Fred stated, amazed by the taste. "What are they?"

"I don't really have a name for them yet. Just a little something I whipped up." Ruby stated. "Eggs, water, flour, cocoa. sugar, and smashed up crackers for texture."

While no one was looking, Scooby basically inhaled the remaining cookies and burped.

"Oh, Scooby, you didn't save any for Velma." Ruby stated

"RSorry." Scooby apologized 

Just then, Velma knocked on the door and Shaggy went over and opened it for her.

"Greetings."  Shaggy greeted

"Hi."  Velma responded as she stepped in. "I found those names from the gravestones."

Shaggy closed the door behind Velma, Scooby layed on a carpet, and Velma sat the computer she had down on a table and pulled up a digital copy of an old news article and Fred, Daphne, Ruby, and Shaggy all gathered around to look a the article.

"You are NOT gonna believe this!" Velma said as she hit the enter key to load up the article. "Prudence Prufrock ad Ezekial Gallows. The founding faculty of Coolsville Academy."

""Time capsule? What's that?" Shaggy asked, noticing the article mentioning a time capsule and not knowing what exactly time capsule meant

"It's a small container used to preserve historical artifacts in order to capture a certain time." Velma explained

"What will they think of next?" Shaggy said to himself

"According to this article, Gallows and Prufrock were set to open the doors to their new school when tragedy struck. The flood destroyed Coolsville Academy, and the two founding faculty....were killed." Velma stated. 

Shaggy, Scooby, and Ruby all gulp at once.

"Spooky, huh?" Velma added going through the article. "It says right here that like the rest of the town, the new school was built right over the ruins of the old school."

Fred then stood up and said, "This is great, Velma. That explains two of the ghosts, and if we figure out who the third one is, we'll be that much closer to clearing our names."

"You know what we need to do?" Velma asked. "Go back to the scene of the crime."

"But how? We can't be seen back on school grounds." Daphne stated

"Hmmm......we could try sneaking in at night." Ruby suggested

"It'll be just like in one of our mystery books." Velma said, seeming excited


Behind some bushes outside the school, Scooby popped his head up, then Ruby, then Shaggy, then Daphne, then, Fred, and finally, Velma.

"Okay. Let's do this." Velma said in a calm, yet orderly fashion

They then all got out from behind the bushes and headed for the school to go inside and look around.

Ruby Rose in Scooby-Doo! The Mystery BeginsWhere stories live. Discover now