Bonus (2)

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(This is a little different type of chapter where you can find the extra scenes of the story. It may also answer some of your question, if you had any in mind.😉)


- Chapter 6 -

< location - Taehyung's house >

< scene - Jimin, Hobi, Yoongi, Namjoon fighting over video games >

// Jimin and Hoseok were playing a virtual shooting game as Namjoon and Yoongi were making chaos while supporting them. //


Yoongi: HOBI RUN!!



Namjoon: What the hell are you doing, Jimin?! He's getting away!

Jimin: I'm trying, hyung. But he's really fast.

Yoongi: And hard...

// Everyone turned at Yoongi //

Yoongi: ...What? I'm just stating facts...


- Chapter 12 -

< location - inside the café >

< scene - before Y/n reached the café to meet Lisa >

Taehyung: Excuse me... Is Mr. Kim Seokjin here?

Working Lady: Yes. Please wait, I'll call him here.

A minute later ~

Seokjin: Hey! How are you?

Taehyung: I'm fine...

Seokjin: Yeah, right. You can't fool me okay?!

Taehyung: *sigh* whatever~

Seokjin: Taehyung, you are just hurting yourself. Why don't you try moving on?

Taehyung: I can't. I tried but it feels impossible to forget her. It's better if I live with the good memories I had with her.

Seokjin: Then go and tell her how you feel... It's still not late you know...

Taehyung: I can't, hyung...

Seokjin: Then I'll tell Namjoon to do something about you...

Taehyung: What- What do you mean?

Seokjin: I'll tell him to hook you up with some random girl if you won't go and tell Y/n about the truth.

Taehyung: The fuck-

Seokjin: Take your time and think about it. I need to leave. See ya~

// Seokjin left and Taehyung sat on a table near the window of the café. He was sipping on his lemon tea when he saw Y/n outside. He chocked on his tea. He finished his drink quickly and left after paying the bill. //


- Chapter 14 -

< location - Lisa's house >

< scene - Lisa, Jimin and Namjoon having a group chat >

< pov of Lisa >

// I was telling them about my plan to send Y/n alone to Daegu. //

And today is Saturday...

Then I'll begin my plan from tomorrow

So that she won't have any other choice 😈

You are so evil 😂

I know 😋

But you're a cute evil ☺


(Why the hell did he need to say that?? Why is he so cute? And why does my heart feel so warm for him??)

Where did she go?



- Chapter 17 -

< location - Taehyung's house >

< time - 6 o'clock in the morning >

// Taehyung arranged his apartment as neatly as possible before taking his belongings with him to his mother's house. //

< current location - Mrs. Kim's house >

Mrs. Kim: Taehyungie? What are you doing here? And what's up with all these luggage? What happened to your apartment?

Taehyung: uhh... Actually... A friend of mine is coming to Daegu today and she needs a place to stay. So, I thought of letting her stay in my apartment.

// Mrs. Kim raised an eyebrow. //

Mrs. Kim: She? So it's a girl... Is it Y/n?

Taehyung: N-no! It's another friend of mine... // he shrugged //

Mrs. Kim: uh-huhh~

Taehyung: I'm taking the room upstairs...

// he quickly ran up with his things. While Mrs. Kim fell into thought.//

Mrs. Kim:
//dialed a no.//

Hello, Mrs. Jung~

Yeah, I'm good...

No... Everything is alright...

Actually, I wanted to ask you for a favor...


- Chapter 20 -

< location - outside Mrs. Kim's house >

< scene - Mrs. Kim went outside the house to escort Mrs. Jung to her car. >

Mrs. Kim: Thank you, Mrs. Jung, for doing this for me... I really want both of them to realize what they really feel for each other.

Mrs. Jung: You don't have to thank me, Mrs. Kim. They are truly the best for each other. And it's my pleasure that I could be of your help to bring them together.

// They both hugged each other before Mrs. Jung left in her car. //

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