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(Chuuya's PO V)

The next morning I woke up with (y/n) in my arms. She was the little spoon my body wrapped around her. She was holding on to my arms making my hold on her tighter. I waited for (y/n) to wake up but I began losing hope after I'd been waiting for twenty minutes. 

"Hey, (y/n)?" I said softly trying to be as gentle as possible. 

She turned her body towards me and slowly started to open her eyes. She looked at me for a second then sat up and stretched which caused a yawn to escape from her mouth. 

"Thank you for waking me up Chuuya," (y/n) said with a smile across her face. I sat up and made my way out of her bed. I made sure to make the bed from where I fell asleep the night before.

"Hey I'm going to make breakfast, you can just wear whatever. I think I'll end up taking you shopping for a new outfit for today anyway so, don't think too hard," I said to her waving my hand in the air and walking out of the room getting ready to make breakfast. 

Now~ what should I make..

"Are you okay with eggs (y/n)?" I yelled from the kitchen because the door was now shut and I didn't want to interrupt her. 

"Yeah that's fine! I prefer scrambled though, if that's okay," she responded back while I was grabbing the eggs butter and milk out of her refrigerator. 

"Alright, I can do that," I replied turning the knob on the stove so the burner would heat up. 

After the stove got hot enough I placed a spoonful of butter on to the pan so it could start melting. I also cracked six eggs into a bowl and mixed in milk, salt, pepper, and some natures seasoning that I found on the counter. Once the butter was melted I poured the egg mixture into the pan and I started stirring to make sure none of the eggs got burnt. 

I stirred the eggs for about five minutes when they were finally ready and I grabbed two plates from the cupboard and put half of the eggs on one plate and the other half of eggs on the other. Just as I did so (y/n) walked out of her room completely dressed with a little bit of make up on. She was wearing lose wavy jeans with a black tank-top crop top shirt that had a moon on it.  


We sat down at the coffee table and both ate our breakfast in silence. It wasn't an awkward silence but a understood silence. We liked the company of each other and us sitting on the floor together eating a simple meal was enough for us both to have a smile cast upon our face. 

(y/n POV)

It was nice having Chuuya here. I've never really had friends since I discovered this ability I have. Most people thought I was a freak and treated me like trash but Chuuya is like me not only in the way of him having an ability I can just feel he's had similar pain. Maybe that's why I feel so comfortable around him even though I've only known him one day.

I pulled my fork to my mouth and bit down only tasting metal and pain. 

"Owie~~" I said holding my jaw.

"You finished your eggs like six bites ago dummy," he replied laughing at me.

"Heyy~ it's not funny, it really hurt," I huffed. 

"Yeah yeah alright, let me take your plate I'll wash it for you," he stated while reaching for the empty plate and I gladly gave it to him. I watched him as he pulled up his sleeves to turn the water on to scrub the dishes. It was enchanting. 

"Earth to (y/n)~" Chuuya said snapping his fingers in my face. I looked up at him suddenly being pulled out of my day dream and drug back to reality. 

"Oh yeah, sorry! I guess my mind went drifting," I replied with a chuckle and I stood up.

"Well, are you ready to go (y/n)" Chuuya asked looking at me. 

"Yep!" I answered being excited for the new life that awaited me.



this is so weird to me because I always normally write in all lower case but I know when I read wattpad if the grammar isn't good it kinda makes the story less interesting because i'm always fixing it in my head. 

also~ sorry for writing such a short chapter. I think this might be the shortest one thus far.

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