Chapter Three

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As I shut the front door to my house, in the middle of nowhere, I hear I voice coming from the nearby kitchen
"Cally?" My mothers voice calls
"Yes Mum?" I reply
"How was school?"!
"Um, the normal first day" I say sighing
Sometimes I really wish I was a normal 17 year old girl.
"Aw, honey. Don't sound sad! This will your last year! First Bite remember?"
First Bite... That reminds me...
"Mum, Ethan Slowski is in my year"
My mums eyes widen. "Ethan Slowski? Slowski? So, that means the Slowski clan are in town!"
"Shit" she adds
"Mum!" She doesn't normally cuss. That must mean this is bad.
"No what?" I ask
"This is bad. Ethan is your age, right?"
"Yeah" I reply
"Don't freak out but, if you don't choose your First Bite before him, you won't Become."
My eyes widen. I realise now. It's me or him. Only one of us can become a true vampire. But what if I want to be normal? No. I can't let my family down. But...
"Cally?" My mothers voices calls me out of my trance.
"Um yeah. Okay, I'll make sure that I have my First Bite... First." I promise, confused
"Okay hon. Now do you have homework?" I nod in reply. "Better get started then!" She smirks
It's weird. How can a conversation change like that? Suddenly it's all serious, like you won't Become if you don't beat Ethan, to go do your homework. I don't even know. I make my way to my room on the third floor of our isolated house. My room is probably my favourite place in the world. Or the woods beside my house where I would climb one of the tall trees and read my book there for hours on end. It's lovely, really. It feels so... normal.
I would normally start my homework around this time but instead I decided to go for a little stroll around the woods by my house. I remembered my mum saying I had to do my homework so I would have to sneak out. It was easy really. But, no such luck. Riley was coming out of her room as I tiptoed down the stairs. Riley, let's just say is kinda uptight. Okay who am I kidding? She's very uptight.
"Cal?" She says
I turn around with a sheepish smile
"Yeah?" I wince
"Where are you going?" She insists
"Look Riles I'm just going for a walk! I'll be back before you know it! And I know Mum doesn't like us going out but I'm nearly 18! Please don't snitch!!"
She narrows her eyes as she thinks "okay fine" she sighs "go! Before I change my mind!"
"Yes! Thanks"
I speed down the stairs, tiptoe past the kitchen and shoot out the front door.
I walk for a while until I'm in the centre of our small town. I decide to take a look around and window shop. I stroll past a small book shop and decide to take a look inside.
A antique bell rings as I step inside. The books were gorgeous. They were old, given, but beautiful. I look around for one to sit down and read as I had noticed the small set of a couch and table at the far side of the shop. I pick up one called 'The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy'
Surely I have read it before but had lost my copy of it moving.
Some people may think of it as silly, childish, Maybe even foolish, but I love it. From the start of it how the contractors arrive at Arthur Dents house and look to demolish it to build a bypass. How Ford comes to warn Arthur about the end of the world, to, Marvin, the depressed robot. It's a classic.
I take it with me to the small seating area and begin to read.
I have been reading for about 10 minutes when someone sits down next to me
"Ah. Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy! My favourite."
I look up frowning at the person to realise it was Luke from school.
"Oh hi Cally" he says blushing
"Hi Luke." I say smiling
"Sorry" he says "I didn't mean to interrupt you"
"Don't worry about it" I reply "it's fine."
"Cool, so I didn't realise you were into science fiction"
"Yeah." I smile sheepishly "its a weird one but great"
"I know right!" He smiles brightly, but then she frowns "sorry I get a bit over excited. See my friends and me, at school, they don't really like the "shit" so they'd probably think I was some dumbass if I told them I liked it"
"Oh Luke. You shouldn't be afraid of telling people what you like! You should be proud of it!"
"Well it's kinda hard when you have the whole school looking at you most of the time."
"I guess" I say "but I wouldn't know"
"Anyway" he says "who's your favourite character?"
"Me? Oh that's hard but I'm going to say Arthur! I sound like a fake but..."
"I feel you" he smiles, God that boys smile is gorgeous "he's my favourite too"
I suddenly feel very comfortable around Luke, yet, embarrassed. After getting to know him a bit I think I like him a bit more then I did earlier.
"I wa- I mean- if you wan-. Okay I was wondering, if- you would want to stay here with me and chat or read, we could read, um, for a while?" I ask awkwardly
He smiles again and my heart does some somersaults
"I'd love to"
Me and Luke ended up staying reading for at least another hour, chatting, and well, reading. When we finished the book I look at him, and he is staring contently at me.
He immediately blushes. "sorry" he apologises
"No" I smile "it's.. Fine"
He smiles nervously. "So!" He says "I best get off because I have homework"
"Oh yeah. Me too" I reply "bye Luke"
"Wait!" He calls, before I have time to leave "can I give you my number? Just because I'd love to hang out with you again"
"Yeah sure!" Oh my god he's giving me his number! Don't freak out Cally!
He writes down his number on a small piece of paper he found.
"I'll text you later?" I ask
"Yeah. I'd love that"
I think I'm in heaven. I smile and head out the door in the direction of my house. I get around a corner and I see a group of people. Too familiar people. It was Slowski kids.

I turn around to go before the notice me but as i turn I hear
"Hey Cally!" I groan and turn around
"What?" I snap
It was Ethan. "So I saw you with Luke Hemmings in the book shop earlier? EHAT was that about?" "None of your fucking business Ethan!"
"Hey! Im just asking, but be careful who you fall for" he smirks
What? 'Don't mind him' I think
"Well I don't need any advice from you" I spit and walk on my way. I get home in 5 minutes and sneak in without my mum knowing. I open the door to my room and collapse on my bed. Today was eventful anyway. I settle down to do some homework when I hear shouting downstairs. More drama, yay.
"Mum you can't control me forever!!" I hear my other step whatever she really is sister Grace shout
"I'm trying to protect you! you can't go dating any random vampires!!"
"He's a vampire okay? But at least he's not from a rival clan!"
"Well yes but still!!"
"Mum please. I love Simon!"
I can feel my mum glare, I swear!
"No! I don't care! Don't EVER go near him!!"
I frown as I hear Grace cry. I hear her race up the stairs and into her room. I consider going into her room and trying to comfort her but I decided against it.

She'd probably throw something at me. I finish my homework and hear mum call us for dinner. I head downstairs and know it's going to be awkward. But Grace didn't even come down.

Dinner was quite quiet. We were asked, me and Riley, how are day was, homework and that stuff.
"Is Grace coming down?" Dad asked
"No" I glare at Mum "Something happened and she's upset. I'll bring dinner up to her"
I pick up some leftovers and head upstairs again.

I knock on the door of Graces room.
"GO AWAY" she screams
"It's me" I say "I have food"
"Okay. Come in" she replies
I knew she'd let me in with food. But our food is complicated I'm not even going to explain what was on the plate really.
"Are you okay?" I ask
"No. Not really" she replies glumly
I pat her on the back and leave. We aren't very good at being emotional in this family. I get ready for bed and climb into bed. I get a ding from my phone and pick it up excitedly.
It was Luke and I smiled.
'Hey Cally!1!1' It read
'Hi Luke!😊' I reply
'Sorry I'm so late texting you'
'it's fine, I don't mind'
Let's just say I was late for school in the morning...
Hey guys! Could you tell me what you think of this? Because I don't know whether to continue this😩 please tell me and thank you so much for 1.1k reads😊😊

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