Chapter Two

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As Ethan and his gang strut away, Ellen, Nicole, Gabrielle and Kate stare at me.

"What" Kate says "was that?"

"Um" I delay trying to this of something. They can't know what First Bite was. And even, why was Ethan pointing at Luke? Maybe... no.

"What's 'First Bite'?" Nicole asks

" First Bite, pfft, Ethan said um.. First Fright?"

First fright? Cally your an idiot. How are you going to explain that?

"So, is Ethan, like, scared of Luke?" Gabrielle asks

That's exactly how your going to explain it.

"Yes, um, Ethan is scared of Luke, guys excuse me for a minute, I need to have a word with somebody."

I stand up from the table and head towards Ethan and his gang of...people.

I grab the one and only by the arm and glance at his friends.

"Ethan will be back in two seconds, don't worry about him, in fact don't look in this direction."

They all nod seriously and their eyes widen.


I lead him away to a small corner in the room and whisper

"What the hell was that, idiot?!"

"What was what?" He replies angrily

"Oh maybe, when you nearly exposed the whole vampire race to humankind!!"

"Oh please!" He smirks

"Now, those girls." I say pointing to my new group of friends "think your scared of Luke! Yeah! Why were you even pointing at him? What does he have to do with my First Bite?"

"Oh, you'll see." He replies and with that he walks off.

Uhh!! What is that even supposed to mean?


Soon enough school was over and I was heading to my car in the school parking lot, but before I could reach my car, a tall male figure walks in front of me.

Unable to stop myself I crash straight into him.

"Uh sorry! Oh hey Cally!" I look up to see that the figure was Luke.

"Hey Luke." I reply

"That's the second time today you've bumped into me!" He smiles

"Me? Bump into you?" I ask "what? It was totally you bumping into me!"

"It was not!" He retorted

Realising how stupid this conversation was, we both start to laugh.

"Well!" I announce "that was.. an interesting conversation. I guess I'll see you tomorrow Luke?"

"I guess so." He replies

"Hey, wait. If you give me your number we can maybe chat?" He asks

I take his hand and place it facing upwards on my and ask "Pen anywhere?"

"Uh, my back pocket." He reaches into his pocket with his free hand and gives the pen to me.

I write my number down on his palm and then say

"There you go! I'll maybe talk to you later then?" I smile

He grins in response and walks the opposite direction.

As I watch him walk away, I feel something weird in my chest, like a craving.


No. I shake the idea out of my head.

No blood! Well until First Bite...

I finally reach my car, hop in and start the car.

Home here we come.

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