I ran to my room and tucked myself in bed. Just as i was about to go and thank Troy and Drake a knock came to my room. I reluctantly opened the door thinking it's those girls again coming to take revenge.

"Huh..? Drake? Troy?" I stared at both of them. They came in while i locked the door to my room.

We all stared at each other before i broke the silence.

"I-I'm sorry..." I said with a low voice while looking down.

"What's up with you? Stop saying sorry, you've done nothing wrong." Drake said while scratching his head. I looked up and stared at them with twinkling eyes.

"It's the first time someone said that to me!" I smiled widely as they stared at me in shock.

"Ehem...That's because you don't have friends." Troy said while looking away, my mood immediately became gloomy as Drake nudge Troy with his elbow making Troy conscious of what he said.

"Well it can't be helped...How bout becoming our friend?" Troy said while feeling guilty of what he said earlier.

"A-are you fine with me..?" I reluctantly asked. Please say yes...

"What's up with that? It's not like we asked you to date us or something...." Drake said while giving me a toothy grin.

"Of course were fine with you idiot." Troy said while shuffling my hair. My first to friends..My vision became blurry as i looked at both of them admiringly.

"Waaait don't tell me your going to cr--"

"UWAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I cried like a baby, as they looked flustered trying to cheer me up.

"H-hey stop crying, it looks like were bullying you right now!" Drake covered my mouth as i sniffled. When was the last time i felt this happy? Will mommy and daddy be okay if i stay happy?

"Just let her cry bro....She hasn't cried even once when she was brought here knowing her parents...." Troy whispered to Drake, but i could hear it which made me even cry more.

"Look you made her cry even louder!" Drake said while patting my back as i cried.

"I'm sorry...I probably look even more uglier now..." I said with a shaky voice while sniffling.

"What'd we tell you bout saying sorry." Troy laughed as Drake handed me a tissue to wipe my tears and my runny nose.

"And your pretty! That's why they're bullying you, they're jealous of you." Drake said while patting my head.

"I-im p-pretty?!!!" My face flushed as i attempted to cover it, they laughed at me as they wiped away my remaining tears.

"Yes, your pretty. Now wipe your nose idiot." Drake reminded. What's this warm feeling? Is this what they call love?!

"I-i think I'm in love!" I said out loud as they stared at me dumbfounded at my remarks soon they laughed it off.

"By who?" Troy said while fixing my hair.

"Drake and Troy" I innocently announced and they played along.

"Okay okay...Then we'll get married once were adults okay?" Troy said while shaking his head.

"Promise?" I innocently held out my pinky as they both interlocked it with theirs.

"Promise." Both of them said in unison.

"How old are you now??" I excitedly asked.

"Were still 9 a long way to go." Drake said nonchalantly.

"Then wait for me!" I said while they finished up braiding my hair.

"We will." Troy said smiling at me. Hehehehe im happy.

~end of flashback~

( Anemone=Drake and Freesia=Troy)

"UWAHHHHHH!!!!!! I can't believe we met here again!" I cried out. I can't help it, i always looked like a baby when they're here, although they're girls now.

"Us too...How'd you end up here?!" Anemone said while patting my back.

"And stop crying it would look like we bullied you." Freesia said while pinching my cheeks.

"Iz Desem" I spoke while she pinched my cheeks.

"What do you mean?" Freesia laughed.

"When we met, you also said the same thing." This is nostalgic, i can't believe they're here though. Augh my cheeks hurt. I playfully punched Freesia for pinching my cheeks.

"Ouch! Where did our innocent little Stella go!" Freesia acted as my punch hurt while i wiped away my tears.

"I know right! The one who asked as to marry her when we grow up!" Anemone joined as they acted hurt.

"S-stop bringing up the past! I didn't know back then!" I shouted as i looked at them on the floor kneeling and reminiscing about my time with them.

"So should we host the wedding here?" Freesia teased as i just laughed at them.

"It is in the law ma'am that we cannot!" I played along with them.

"Boohoohooo" Anemone pretended to cry while kneeling on the floor. I laughed at their acting it's so bad!

"Hehhe...But Stel we really are glad your here and we met again." Anemone said while grinning at me followed by Freesia. I could see their past child self grinning back at me and comforting me.

"Yeah...Me too." I'm glad they're here.

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