Pacify Him

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A/N: How'd you guys feel if I made a Yandere Sirenhead x Reader or just Sirenhead x Reader Oneshots? By the way there's kinda sorta smut in the next chapter or so...

You weren't leaving the forest any time soon and that was permanent. No matter how hard people who try to come 'rescue and take' you from Sirenhead, they will never succeed at the end. And so the twins Daloris and Caloris thought they would be able to as they brought loads of backup with them which meant nothing to small group of 30-40 ft monsters but as a extra snack for them. Daloris grabbed your arm and pulled you away,her black hair flowing with the wind as she aimed her way towards the truck. You turned and looked back to see that the area was covered in blood and remaining body parts.

Sirenhead glanced up at you and quickly you both exchange glances before you stopped and pulled yourself out of the blue eyed woman's grip."What are you doing?!"Daloris questioned in anger, yanking you back and dragging you back to the truck. You weren't able to fight back as she was too strong. Before you were able to hop back out, a sudden hard metal collided with your head,knocking you out cold."Way to go Daloris! Now this is the way we will definitely be able to earn thousands off of this cute girl!!"Caloris praised,smirking widely.

The two drove off, leaving the other survivors behind, not knowing that Sirenhead could track them down and instantly kill them. Caloris glanced over at your limp body, her eyes scanning up and down your body until she saw a weirdly shaped lump mark on the side of your neck.

"Dal,stop the truck."She tells her, the truck stopping within the next few seconds. Daloris looked at Caloris in concern, watching as she climbed out of the truck and towards you. Moving the hair off your neck,the brunette's fingers brushed against it as it appeared to a growling lump.

"C'mon Calor, we can check it out when we get to the-"

Caloris stopped to listen to her sibling for a bit."Til we get to where?"The teen asked glancing around. The moment she blinked, a large blob of blood and intestines dropped in front of her, loud screams leaving her mouth seconds later as she found herself being brought up by Sirenhead's large hand."Let me go dammit! Let me go!!!!"She snapped, tears rushing down her face as she hadn't been prepare nor expected her fate.

Sirenhead screeched, his tongue hissing aggressively at her as his voice changed into a deep male's voice,whom he impersonated."i DoN't LiKe HoW yOu TrY tO tAkE aWaY wHaT's OnLy MiNe!"And with that, the monster crushed her head,blood squirting everywhere, her body flopping onto the ground,left for scavengers and decomposers to clean up.

Sirenhead carried your unconscious body back to the cave, growling at any of his family members who tried to come close. The male couldn't express what he was feeling,but the only thing he could think of was..


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