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There was complete silence as you made your way towards the exit of the forest and towards your car. Growing tired quickly,you decided to take a rest, not even bothering to check your environment as you had thought,was nothing to really worry about. Gaining your energy back slowly, your eyes scanned the area, piles of bodies scattered around, some having their intestines ripped out and apart. The blood also caused a horrible stench, forcing you to cover your nose in disgust.

Glancing at your watch,you realized that night was on its way and that you needed to get back fast. And before you could even move,a couple drops of drool fell onto your forehead,which meant that Sirenhead was extremely close. The tree you were leaned against was suddenly pulled out of its roots,revealing Sirenhead.

You opened your mouth to scream but nothing came out but a quiet squeak. Preparing to be eaten by the monster, you closed your eyes and waited for the impact but it never happened but instead you found yourself staring up at the Siren.

Sirenhead stared at you for a moment before he started to walk,with you in the palm of his hand. At that moment you were beyond confused, several questions running through your head such as,

Where is he taking me?

Why am I not dead yet?

What's going on?

As Sirenhead continued carrying you throughout the forest, you instantly calmed down. But though this creature is a extreme dangerous killing machine, something told you that there was another story to it.

Sirenhead set you down in front of cave near a small waterfall along with a river and slowly sat himself down,still keeping focus on you. You backed up slowly in case he would attack you. Letting out a sigh of pure stress and frustration, you also sat down near the rock. It didn't all of a sense that he killed your friends, the other hikers he seen but not you?

Could he maybe have taken a interest in you? At that point, there was nothing that you could do but only wait and see. Walking over to the water,you slid off your boots plus socks,you soaked your legs in the warm and refreshing water. Curious as he already was,Sirenhead followed,staying a few feet away so he wouldn't scare you off.

You needed answers. Lots of them, but who could you turn to if you are with him unless.....

Sirenhead X Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now