"It's nothing to difficult," she resided her attention back straight ahead. "I just had to inform a family that their youngest would need to undergo surgery to potentially assist with his seizures."

"Didn't go too well?"

Kenna rolled her neck, creating a popping sound as the tension that had gathered from her previous nap on an uncomfortable bed had caused. "Not to bad, the father was trying to hold back tears, but it wasn't out of the usual."

Blue eyes like the color of a transcending waterfall studied her closely, brows scrunched in deep calculation. She knew that there was something else, Kenna could tell, but knowing Clementine, the issue wouldn't be brought back up until a later, more preferred convenience. "Well, not like you haven't done a temporal lope surgery before. All you need, probably like the rest of us, is more sleep, and-"

She raised her hand into Kenna's line of sight. The darker skinned woman frowned, drawing back at first to register what the other was holding, before her frown grew sharper.

Clementine rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, you aren't a coffee person. You have informed me of that many times, though I still find it ridiculous."

"I just don't understand the appeal."

"But you like tea," Clement snorted, placing the drink in her friend's hands anyways, much to the woman's whine of displeasure. "And before you ask, yes, I did add abundance of creamer and sugar to suit your fancy, so it can at least be somewhat enjoyable. Maybe even get you out of your funk."

Kenna mumbled into the lip of the cup. "Doubtful," she said before taking a sip, slightly grimancing at the taste but not as much as she would have had there been no cream or sugar. Than, unfortunately, she would have to execute the fall of Clementine Stewart, but at least she would of had a motive.

The blonde scanned the hallways, tapping her feet rhythmically with the sound of the clock that rested, mound to the wall, in front of them, her heels squeaking against the tiles.

"Doing that won't make the time move faster."

"And what if it could?" Blue eyes narrowed at the circular plastic object that was now the item of her disdain. "Who knows, maybe I could have some undiscovered power? Like, the ability to control time so I can make move faster just enough for our shifts to be over? Or to move things with my mind, so I can make that big hand go on the twelve and be back in my bed. People with those abilities exist, you know?"

Kenna snorted into her coffee. "Don't I know it."  She shifted when she felt her phone vibrate in her back pocket. Raising the piece of technology to her eye level, she sighed at the message.

FROM: Aniyah

Your father wishes to speak with you.

"Family troubles getting you down?" Clementine asked as she began to write through the patients chart on top of the nurse's station. Kenna took one more glance at the text before sliding her phone back into her pocket.

"You could say that." She grumbled, shifting her jaw in deep thought. On normal occurrences, it wasn't like Aniyah to broadcast the fact that the king, her father, would need to speak with her, as it was rather the opposite. Even with being the king of an isolated, and hidden country, her father still made an effort to keep communicatiton between him and his children. However, that had been before their...argument, that resulted in Kenna leaving quickly and simply turning an eye to whatever attempts of contact were trying to be reached. Besides, if her father really wanted to speak with her, he would do it.

"I can tell by your expression that it isn't good news. So, want to make up for it by eating takeout and watching re runs of Law and Order?"

Kenna pursed her lips, mulling over the idea. It didn't sound like such a bad thing, as her plans mostly consisted of crashing and burning on her bed after, hopefully, rinsing away the days stress, but it wouldn't be so bad to have a meal to at least feed her hunger. Even though she waa slightly suspicious of the offer as it could have been double motivated by Clementine to finally get her to watch that show she's been harping her about. But it couldn't hurt.

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