The new girl

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Me and Syd sat and talked about nothing that important. We both ate eggs and toast. "Did you know that people used to eat this food called bacon" I tell Syd. "what is bacon?" she asks me. "I think it was strips of pig," I answered. "That's disgusting" Syd says, taking a sip of her orange juice. All of a sudden one of the office workers came running in straight to the head table, where Sara was sitting. She whispered something to her and then they both ran out immediately. "What was that about'' I ask Syd. "Hell if I know," Syd says. We finish eating and head out. Nothing really happened the rest of the day for me. Syd has another mandatory adult meeting to go to so I was left alone until that ended. An hour had passed since Syd left when I had heard a knock on my door. I go to open it and there is Syd. "Hey Sy-" I'm cut off by her barging in and closing the door. "I have a feeling we just found the queen of demons" she says. "What?" I yell. "Remember at breakfast when the office lady came in to get Sara'' she explains. I nod and let her continue. "They had just found a girl come out of the woods with ripped up clothes and scratches all over her body". "And you think she is the queen of demons?" I ask. "I just have a feeling" She explains. "I volunteered to take care of her, maybe I can get some information" she says. "Don't make it too obvious, if she isn't who you think she is then you might give information to someone you don't want to know" I tell her. Syd nods. "I want to go meet her, you wanna come with" She asks. "Sure". We walk out toward the nurses office.

When we get there we see a girl with long black hair that all tangled up. "Hey" Syd speaks up. The girl turns to show her emerald green eyes. "Hi" she greets us back. "I'm Sydney, and this is my friend Ella" Syd speaks up. "I'm Skyler" She tells us. She doesn't talk much. "I am supposed to help you, so you better get used to me hehe" Syd jokes. Skyler nods. Syd walks over to Skyler and put's out her hand. "Follow me, i'll take you to your room". Skyler looks at her hand for a little. She takes her hand and we walk to the teenage dorms. "So where do you come from?"  decide to speak. "The woods" she answers. "Well I know that silly, but why were you in the forest" I giggle. She goes pale. "I uh.....ummm" she plays with her hands. "I ran away" she finally blurts out. "Oh" I say. I was about to ask why but that might be personal. We continue our walk in silence. I hadn't noticed before but Skyler is staring at Syd. She looks scared and a tad bit confused. I understand fear. the first time I saw Syd I was intimidated. But the first time I saw Syd I also watched her almost break Daniels arms so I had the right to fear. Apart from that she does have a military face, I see it on a lot of ex soldiers have it. "Are you okay Sky?" I ask. She looks at me with wide eyes before going back to normal. "Oh, yea I was just lost in thought" she explains. "Umm, what did you call me?" She asks. "Sky, I like to give my friends nicknames" I say. Sky softly smiles. We make it to the dorms and syd pulls a key out of her pocket. "This is your key, your room is on the second level, right next to mine I believe" she says. Sky takes the key and heads off. She stops abruptly and turns. "Oh sorry, I forgot to tell you what I was doing," she says. "I'm just going to get some rest, I haven't slept in a real bed in almost 7 years". Me and Syd stare at her. Was she forced to sleep on the floor? She looks to the side and has a look that says it said too much'. She plays with her hands again. "Ummm bye!" She yells and then runs off. Me and Syd look at eachother. "She seems nice," I say. Syd just nods. We both head to the dining room to have dinner.

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