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When I woke up the next morning, my heart stung remembering what I'd asked Tim to do. I wiped away my tears as I got a call from Alya. "Morning" I mumbled

"Morning sunshine. Okay good news and bad news. Good news every thing your father said yesterday checks out. Bad news I've run an entire city scan nothing I'm having Zane do a temporal energy sweep of the entire country if either one is still in the country we'll find them." Alya told me

"Nice" I sighed

"Okay green bean what's up? And don't think that you can weasel your way out." Alya said

"I called Tim last night and asked him to leave and take his family with him" I said as my door was suddenly slammed open

"YOU DID WHAT!?!?!" Alya screeched from my doorway looking like she'd teleported here at light speed, which probably wasn't to far from the truth.

I told her the message I'd left for Tim last night. Once I was done she gave me a tight hug to comfort me. "I don't blame you if anything the time twins will go after you because of your connection with Garmadon as well as the Smith family since they created the chronos steel blades that took their powers. " Alya said

That didn't do anything to help improve my mood. I ended up giving her a look. "Not the time?" Alya asked

"Nope" I replied popping the 'p' .  

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2021 ⏰

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