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Lloyd's p.o.v.

It's been a weak since I got the request to help out the museum. I'd let Tim know ahead of time so he could know that I was busy. His only response was okay and that he'd meet me for lunch. I wasn't going to complain after all we both had lives outside of school and the masks. So it made some sense.

I finished getting dressed in the gi that Mari had made for me only two days ago according to her she got permission from my father to make it and he approved of the design himself. It was really great to see that the two got along and if we where ever in Ninjago my parents made it so that way my Father was her guardian there. Which was a good thing in my opinion.

Now I'm guessing your wondering why I'm wearing a gi

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Now I'm guessing your wondering why I'm wearing a gi. Well that's easy the museum Director (Alix's dad) was meeting with a few delegates from ninjago and sometimes the dialect can be difficult to understand at times. So Alix had asked me to wear a gi since this was a formal thing and she'd be there to suffer with me and to keep my team at a respectable distance. Yup they are as terrified of her as they are of Alya. They learned this during the Reverser incident. Yeah Alix is one of the very few people who I can trust wholeheartedly to have my back. I want to give her a miraculous but with six in full circulation right now it would be a huge risk to put a seventh in full circulation. 

I put on my boots before going downstairs. "Now no ghosts posessions, evil Djins, or dark evils older than the test of time or else Alya will be the least of your enemies worries" Mom said bringing me into a hug.

"I'll try mom" I said returning the hug and giving her a kiss on her temple.

"Be back in time for dinner alright" Dad told me.

"Kay dad" I said giving him a hug before heading out the door.

Mari was currently with Alya trying to get Ari to notice her for the umpteenth time. I swear she's going to be hurt one of these days because of her obsession with her. I had taken off my benj-stone bracelet  so I could use my powers should something happen.

I then quickly made my way to the Lovre to help out.

Tim's p.o.v.

I sometimes can't believe Bruce. He thinks that Lloyd is a bad influence on me, he's not. "So where's lover boy today?" Jason asked

"Museum he's helping the director of the Museum and the section director with the set up of the museum since a few of the artifacts belong to his family line and the first generation and second of Elemental Masters. And before you ask apparently Elemental masters can live for a very long time. Garmadon is over one thousand years old" I explained, "His Grandfather though was over three thousand when he passed."

"Wow he's going to out live you" Jason said

"Actually since he gave up his golden power he kinda hopes he won't out live me sadly we won't know till he's in his thirties since that is around the time that the elemental masters stop aging." I told Jason.

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