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I was surrounded by darkness. Then an evil cackle broke the silence. "Who's there?" I asked into the abyss.

"US" Several voices said

Then out of the darkness I saw five figures only for one to shoot at me. The figures revealed themselves to be: Pythor, Lord Garmadon (The evil half), The Overlord, Chen, and Morro. Pythor wrapped his body around my legs and torso after Chen had taken my powers away. I could barely breath as Morro wrapped his cold hands around my neck. "So much for your light being bright enough" The Overlord said before firing a wave of darkness at me along with my father's evil side.

I jolted awake just before it could hit me. I was breathing hard and sweating bullets. "I thought I was over that dream" I mumbled crawling out of bed to get ready for the day.

    It was the day after the whole Syren shtick and my night was anything but restful. "You okay Lloyd?" Gong asked

"Yeah had that dream again" I said

"I thought you were over it months ago." Gong said

"So did I. Frightingale and Problamatic must have really thrown me for a loop" I muttered as my phone went off.

Frightningale was the pop singer Clara Nightengale, she actually has some talent unlike that hack XY. Blame that one on Chloe and being so petty and selfish. Anyway you had to sing, dance or rhyme to escape her powers or else you'd be frozen into a pink plastic manaquin. Problamatic was Penny, Jagged Stones manager who's boss and even Jagged had pushed things a bit to far and well let's just say that several secrets have been shown the light, not the secret ID's though just everything else.

After the last akuma Ladybug told me both as Lloyd and as Drakon to take a break since I was looking half dead during Reverser who was a creative writer by the name of Marc. Yeah seeing Ladybug as a clutz and Chatte as a scardie cat was not fun. Not to mention that my reversal reverted me back into a stupid arrogant snot nosed kid I mean come on first it was Mystic then Reverser give me a break.

I quickly got dressed and headed for school later today Alya, Ari, Nino, Mari, and I were going to go to a festival here in Paris. I was looking forward to it, but apart of me seemed hesitant I'd be fifth wheeling since Mari was the one to invite Ari in a dating sort of manner and Nino and Alya were already going out so yup fifth wheel in this venture.

School passed by quickly enough I managed to catch Nino before he left. "Hey Nino" I said

"Dude what up?" Nino asked

"It's about tonight" I told him

"Whoa you aren't backing out are you?" Nino questioned me

"What no. Nino it's just that you have Alya. Ari and Mari have been getting closer everyday since Problamatic and well...." I started to say

"Gotcha dude you don't want to feel like an extra wheel I get it man here why don't you try this" Nino said taking my phone and pulling up an app.

"A app is suppose to help me?" I asked starting to get really worried

The app was called Cupid's arrow it was a blind dating app according to the description you put in your data and it would give you options on who you wanted to date whether it be across the sea via text or local in person. And it didn't matter the gender it could be a boy or girl. "Dude just give it a shot" Nino said pressing install on my screen

"Fine" I said rolling my eyes taking my phone from Nino's hand.

Once it was installed I got started I created a username fěicuìlóng and filled out everything that was nessecarry for me to start. I then hit submit I instantly got five matches one was in Paris, two in Ninjago, and the other two in some city called Gotham. Oh boy.

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