Chapter 3

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*Raksha's POV*

I woke up in Gaara's arms, against his bare chest.

I barely remembered going to bed last night, we'd stayed up for hours and hours after dark, just hanging out, playing games, and having fun.

I lifted the covers cautiously and found that I had on a light light blue nightgown with fuzzy stuff on the bottom. I blushed when I noticed the gown was really short and almost see-through.

Gaara only had on a pair of boxers the same color of red as his hair.

I nudged him in attempt to wake him up, half because his arms were keeping me from getting up, and half because I wanted to find out what the hell happened last night and make sure nothing bad happened, you know, in that way...

I pushed against his chest,"Gaara!" I yelled in his ear.

He shot up so quickly I didn't have to react and our heads hit eachothers'.

"Ow!" we said simutaneously, rubbing our foreheads.

"Nice to see your awake." he grumbled.

"Yeah, and nice to see your in boxers, I'm in a really short thin nightgown, and we're sleeping together under covers. What the hell happened last night?" I grumbled back.

He sighed,"Nothing, I swear." he layed back down, taking me with him,"We stayed up so late that your mind got a little sleepy and foggy. Temari loaned you her gown and helped you in it since your were practically sleep walking. We didn't have any extra cots lying around so you slept with me." he explained.

I sighed in relief,"That's great to hear."

He chuckled and kissed the top of my head,"Are you still tired?"

I yawned and nodded,"What time is it?" I looked around for the first time and realized the only illumination in the room was coming from the moon high in the sky.

"I'm guessing about 5 or 6 in the morning. We still have time to sleep. Come on." he snuggled me back in his arms and I layed my head against his chest, his warm arms around me, making me feel safer than I have ever felt.

"I love you Raksha." I heard him whisper.

"I love you too Gaara." I kissed him on the lips before settling down again and falling back into a peaceful sleep.

I awoke to the sun shining in through the window.

I yawned and stretched.

"Goodmorning beautiful." I heard the voice that always makes me smile.

I turned around and looked into Gaara's beautiful icy blue eyes,"Mmm goodmorning gorgeous."

He tightened his arms around me and kissed my head again,"How'd you sleep?"

"Best. Sleep. Ever."

He chuckled,"Good, glad to hear it."

"Yeah. What about you?"


"That's awesome."

"Yeah. I wish it could last, but we have to get up now. I'm probably an hour late for everything. As Kazekage, I've got a tight scehdule." he said, standing up and heading to his dresser.

"Aww, alright." I stood too and kneeled in front of my bag on the other side of the room and dug out my clothes, leaving the weapons inside the bag. I got dressed, my back to Gaara, and he did the same... I hope.

 "Are you decent?" I asked him once I was done.

I heard his low chuckle,"Yes, I'm decent."

I turned around to see Gaara in a red shirt with buckles on his stomache that seemed to hold the long brown skirt looking thing to him-but I knew it was meant for fighting so it wasn't girly-with black pants underneath.

I've known him my whole life, but will we spend the rest of it together?Where stories live. Discover now