Yandere Celebrity x Male Reader Part 2

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As soon as y/n saw Charlotte, he let out a large sigh of relief.

Y/n: Charlotte! Thank god you are here! I think I was kidnapped after I walked you to your car. How did you find me?

Charlotte: Oh y/n, you are so cute when you are confused! However, you were right about one thing. You did get kidnapped, but by me silly!

Y/n: What? You're joking right? I must've gotten really drunk last night. Regardless, can you please untie me? My wrists are hurting.

Charlotte: I wish I could baby, but you might try to run away from me, or even worse, date another girl!

Y/n: Wait, first of all, did you just call baby? Secondly, why the hell are you acting like such a psychopath?!

Charlotte: Well y/n, you see, when we were kids, I had always had a bit of a crush on you. But when my parents forced us apart, something inside me snapped. I couldn't live a life without you by my side. So I decided to become successful enough that you would notice me and potentially seek me out. But since you didn't, so I had to take matters into my own hands.

I tried everything to find you. I hired the best private investigators and detectives, bribed government officials to use surveillance technology, even threatened those I knew you were close to. But alas, my search yielded absolutely nothing. However, as soon as I was about to resort to more, desperate measures, there you were, sitting by yourself at that restaurant. So obviously I was ecstatic, when you were practically dropped on my doorstep.

But then, you mentioned that whore Hailee Steinfeld! And I knew I had to protect you from her. So I had my bodyguards use tranquilizer darts to help you relax, and I took you home!

Y/n: You do realize that Hailee will be confused when I don't respond to any of her texts or calls and when I don't show up for our date. She will eventually realize that something is wrong and get police involved.

 Charlotte: Oh silly Y/n, I already have that handled. You see, when I had you put to sleep, I took your phone and texted Hailee to meet you on a romantic cliff side view of LA. You didn't even have a password! And Y/n, I bet you can guess what's gonna happen to her when she gets there. 

Y/n: You Monster! What did she even do to deserve this?!

 Charlotte: Simple, she tried to take what's MINE

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