Some Ideas

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So, these are a few ideas I have for the book, please comment and @ me for your own. I likely won't be able to get to all of your ideas, or I just won't have enough inspiration for them. Just a note: If you see a really good story idea someone else had, go right ahead and elaborate and grab me if you think I could really use it. Anyways, here are my ideas and plans for the book! :D


-My oc's "welcome" to Hermitcraft (almost certainly a multi-parted story)

-The mob-hermits turn into actual mobs; we find out why

-One of the hermits (no, I don't know who yet) gets captured in an unescapable chamber on the very edges of hc and the gang has to rescue them

-Grian and Doc (or two different hermits, but I think these two are the best) get body-swapped

-A few hermits get gender-swapped; we find out why

-Some Gridoc vs Rendoc fun

-Evil X is framed for attempted murder; we find out who it was and why

-And more, but I refuse to put them here because I don't want to spoil them >:D


So yeah, I think I'll write something now...

~Chat, signing off~

Hermitcraft Fanfic Fun :3Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora