Chapter Fourteen

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-Keralis' POV, 1st-

I watched as Doc "flew" off towards the direction of his base, his inky wing-like things spurting out of his midback like slimy, black, molten lava. I walked towards L.L.A.M.B to restock, all the time wondering: what the heck had that been about? First, all this stuff happens with Grian, which is weird enough, and then Doc grows wings? Is there some sort of thing that I don't know about? A club, maybe? I really wish that people would inform me on these things. I'm a curious guy! I was just finishing restocking when I heard a familiar voice call me name. "Yo, Keralis, come over here," Xisuma's voice called, but when I turned around, he wasn't even there. "Shishwami? Where are you?" No response. Had it only been the wind?

I looked up at the sky. It was grey, filling quickly with storm clouds. "Shishwami?" I asked again, before a particularly strong gust of wind flew me backwards into the Bigger Logz Incorporated Blimp, and dragged me around. I tried grabbing onto the Blimp, but I missed, and I got whipped away into the sky. I couldn't fly, I couldn't do anything. "Help, somebody!" I yelled, but my voice was drowned out by the howling of the wind, and the rain that was beginning to pour. "Hello, Keralis."

That voice was definitely Xisuma's, so where was he? And how was he able to get around in this storm? "Shishwami?" I asked for the third time. I wasn't sure if it was him anymore, or somebody else, or even just my imagination. "No. My name is Evil Xisuma, horrible to meet you," he greeted, emphasizing on the evil. "Um, can you show yourself, then? Prove this isn't just one of X's very rare pranks, and come out," lightning flashed, and a figure was lowered down from the sky. He wore a red suit, just like Xisuma did nowadays, but unlike Xisuma, he had a human face, with pale skin, white hair, and glowing white eyes. His mouth was formed into a half-frown, half-smile, and he seemed to be looking through me. Why was all of this weird stuff happening to the server? Who did this guy think he was?

"I've heard lots about you, Keralis," he said mysteriously. "What have you heard about me?" I asked curiously. "That's something that I don't have to tell you. Me and Red don't like sharing information, wouldn't you agree, Red?" His head went still for a split second, and then another voice started speaking. "Yes, I would quite agree with you, EX, but if it was up to me, he'd be dead already," the strange man shook his head. "We can't kill him, Ben and DS agreed, and so did we, remember?" "Yes, but still..." wait, they would have murdered me if it hadn't been for whoever those other guys were? Oh God, I'm stuck with an insane murderer, I'm going to die- "So, Keralis, we would like to ask you a... Favour, so to speak," I stared at him in silence, and he went on.

"We would like you to join us. Me, Wels, and Doc, we have an organization going on. I take it you heard about Iskall's little... Outburst?" I nodded. "What does that have to do with me?" I asked. He sighed. "We need you, much as I hate to admit it, and if you don't come, it will be very bad," I crossed my arms. "Why would I help you, after you just admitted that you would've murdered me, if not for a pact that you made with some other guys?" He looked annoyed. "Because I can perma-kill you at the snap of my fingers." I gulped. He couldn't be serious... But then again, he very well could be, he looked like Xisuma's evil twin, and- oh, that's why he amphasized on the whole "evil" part. "Fine, but only because I'm intrigued," I said, giving in. "Perfect! You didn't have much choice, either way, but at least you were lucky enough to catch me in a good mood,"

I wonder what he's like in a bad mood? He tapped me, sending a static shock through my body, and I fell, only to be caught before I could even think of attempting escape. "Come on, we have to get to Doc's base," I had forgotten that he had mentioned Doc and the others in my worry of the "life or death" decision that he had put me in. "Okay," I said, letting him carry me the whole way. We landed, and he tied a blindfold around my head. "You can't see the way in and out, just in case you attempt to escape," I nodded vigorously. "Turn," he said, shoving me forwards. I did as he asked, and found myself being shoved through a cold substance. It burned a little, and then ceased the feeling completely. The blindfold was removed, and I found myself in a room with black walls, a black ceiling, and a black floor.

Crossover - A Hermitcraft/ Creepypasta Fanfiction (On Hiatus)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora