Chapter Eight • Dawn of the Second Day

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The Deetzes woke up and climbed out of their bed that the Maitlands had again summoned for them last night. Making their way over towards the Maitlands.

"Good morning," they said in unison.

The Maitlands turned towards them.

"What's up, Miss I can levitate with the help of crystals?" said Barbara in a teasing voice with a slight laugh. "What's going on, Mr I got work to do?"

"I-What now?" questioned Delia, looking over towards Barbara with a worried look plastered on her face.

"Do you really not remember?" asked Adam as he confusedly scratched his head.

Delia shook her head.

"Well..." Barbara said, glancing off to the side. "Adam and I were listening to you guys talk in your sleep. You were saying things like 'I can levitate with the help of crystals'!"

Delia looked at Charles and then back towards Adam and Barbara. "Do we really talk in our sleep?"

The Maitlands nodded.

"Well," said Barbara, deciding to change the subject. "Shall we get a move on. It's only the second day of our journey and by the afternoon two days from now, we'll have gotten Lydia and gone back home."

"We shall," replied Adam. Before they could begin walking, the Deetzes called out,


The Maitlands turned around to face the two of them. "What is it?"

"We're hungry," said both living adults at once.

"You want breakfast, I guess?" asked Barbara. The Deetzes nodded.

"What will it be?" asked Adam.

The Deetzes looked at one another and then back at the Maitlands. "We both want a bowl of cereal and some water," they said at once.

"Two bowls of cereal and two glasses of water coming right up," said Barbara as she turned, winked, and nodded to Adam. The two of them summoned a bowl of cereal and a glass of water each for the Deetzes and handed them to them. Delia took her bowl of cereal and glass of water from Barbara whilst Charles took his from Adam and they both began to eat slowly, the Maitlands watching on.

"Y'know," said Barbara as she and Adam sat down in front of the Deetz couple. "Adam and I had a small conversation with Lydia last night."

"Why weren't we involved?" asked Charles as he and Delia put down their empty bowls and glasses, watching as the Maitlands magicked them away.

"Obviously because you were both fast asleep, you guys," Adam said.

"Right. Well, shall we continue on with our journey?" asked Delia as the four of them stood up. "We've got two and a half more days to go until we get to the farthest reaches of the Netherworld and rescue Lydia and bring her back home safe and sound."

The other three nodded and followed Delia as she began to continue walking.

Charles caught up to his wife and whispered in her ear, "Perhaps we should call Lydia on the mirror, tell her 'Good morning' and overall see how she's doing."

"That's a great idea! Adam, Barbara?"

"You didn't need to ask," said Barbara as she held up the mirror. "I got the mirror right here. Mirror, please show us Lydia Deetz."

As Lydia's smiling face appeared in the mirror, Charles and Delia quickly rushed over to stand by the Maitlands in order to see her. As they looked up at her, the four adults' smiles grew wider and Lydia's smile grew as wide as she blew them each an extra special kiss.

"G'morning, guys," she said tiredly. "Dad, Delia, sleep well? I found it funny hearing you guys talk in your sleep during my brief conversation with Adam and Barbara."

"Yes, sweetheart, we slept well. But you seem tired," her dad said. "Did you not sleep well?"

"Oh, it's not that." Lydia looked off to the side. "I slept well. It's just...I woke up a little earlier than expected. Probs even before you guys woke up."

"Anyway, how's it going, sweetie?" asked Barbara. "Another two and a half days and you'll be home safe and sound."

"It's going great. Only two and a half more days?" Lydia pretended to faint, laying herself down on the ground of the room she was in, before sitting and standing up again, giving a cheeky giggle to her parents.

"C'mon, Lyds. It's not that long of a wait," said Adam as he and his fellow adults all tried to suppress their laughter.

"Yes, it is! It's very very very boring!" Lydia pretended to faint again and this time her parents couldn't contain their laughter. "What's so funny?" she asked as she stood up again.

"Oh, nothing," her four parents said at once, looking off to the side.

"It sure doesn't sound like nothing," Lydia pointed out. Lydia looked down, hearing her stomach rumble, and then back up at her parents. "I'm hungry right now. Promise that you'll call me on the mirror this evening?"

"We promise," her four parents said in unison, blowing her each a kiss. "See you later. Bye, Lydia!!!!"

"See you later! Bye, guys!" Lydia blew them each a kiss back.

Lydia's image disappeared from the mirror and it floated back down into Barbara's hands. She promptly magicked it away and turned to face the rest of the adults of the Maitland-Deetz. "Who's willing to call Betelgeuse at some point this afternoon? I think it's time we checked in with him."

"I'm in!" the other three adults shouted in unison.

Barbara nodded and chose to lead the way this time, Delia having moved to stand next to Charles and was holding onto his arm rather than his hand. Adam moved to stand next to his wife and whispered quietly into her ear,

"I'm not so sure it's going to take us an approximate two and a half more days for us to get to where Lydia is and get her safely home."

"What makes you not so sure," she whispered back.

"Well, I was doing some calculations and then I realized that, with Charles and Delia sleeping every night, there's a higher chance it's going to take us longer to get to her.

Barbara's eyes widened. How come she had never considered that? How come none of them had considered that?

She and Adam turned to face the Deetzes and she spoke,

"Guys, I really do think we need to teleport as quickly as we can to the farthest reaches of the Netherworld to get Lydia."

Lydia: Exorcised • A Beetlejuice: the Musical Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now