Chapter Seven • The Nightly Conversation

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"Hey?" Adam ask-whispered to Barbara as the two ghosts watched Charles and Delia sleep in the same bed as they did the previous night. "Did you know that the Deetzes talk in their sleep? It's so adorable."

"Yes," Barbara said with a laugh. "I did know that, Adam. They were doing that last night too. Did you not notice?"

"No. I guess I didn't."

"Crystals for everyone! Everyone loves crystals!" said Delia as she rolled over in her sleep.

"Gotta get more work done!" said Charles as he too rolled over in his sleep.

"CCRYSTALLS!" said Delia as she shot up in bed and then promptly laid down again.

"Awwwww," the Maitlands said in unison.

"I can levitate," Delia suddenly and sleepily said with a smile plastered on her face. "With the help of crystals."

Wait? What?

"Uh," Adam said, suddenly confused by what Delia had just said. "Is she okay? I'm pretty sure she can't."

"You took the words right out of my mouth, Adam," said Barbara with an equally confused look on her face.

Then they realized that it was about time they called Lydia on the mirror, as they hadn't done that yet that night. Adam summoned the mirror, looked at Barbara and the two of them nodded at each leading Adam to look back up towards the mirror and say out loud (He was still careful not to wake up Charles and Delia),

"Mirror, please show us Lydia Deetz."

The smiling (But tired) face of Lydia appeared in the mirror and she looked around confusedly for her dad and her stepmother. When she found none, she looked confusedly at her ghost parents.

"They're asleep," the Maitlands said in unison as they stepped off to the side to reveal the bed that Charles and Delia were both asleep in. "The next time you'll be able to talk to them is tomorrow when they're awake."

"That makes sense," said Lydia. "We should have a short conversation, as I was about to go to sleep when you guys called me on the mirror."

"Okay, we'll have a short conversation with each other," said Barbara with a laugh.

"Yeah," said Adam. "A short conversation sounds nice."

Behind Adam and Barbara, Lydia could see her dad sit up in bed (Though his eyes were still closed) and say,

"Where's the work I need to do?"

Lydia laughed. "Have they been doing this ever since they fell asleep?"

"Pretty much," Barbara said as she looked down towards the ground and ran a transparent hand through her Blonde locks of hair. "Earlier," she continued, letting loose a laugh. "A sleepy Delia said 'I can levitate with the help of crystals'."

"No?" Lydia said, laughing as well.

"Yes," the Maitlands said in unison.

They noticed that Lydia's eyes were starting to droop and they decided to stop the conversation there, in order to let the teenager sleep. Before they could say goodbye to Lydia and continue having to endure listening to Charles and Delia talk and say silly things in their sleep all night long, Adam called out,

"Lydia, did you happen to sleep in a bed last night or did you end up sleeping on the floor of the room you're in?"

"I ended up sleeping on the floor," said Lydia confusedly.

"Well," said Barbara. "Why don't you sleep in a bed like your dad and stepmother are doing right now. Surely that's far more comfier than sleeping on the floor?"

"Yeah! I guess your right, Barb. I'll summon a bed to sleep in just as soon as I finish talking to you guys."

"That sounds like a great idea," said Adam with a smile. "Bye, Lydia, we'll hopefully see you on the mirror sometime tomorrow."

"Yeah, bye Lydia!" Barbara called out. "See you tomorrow!"

They each blew her a kiss and she blew a kiss back for each of them.

"Bye, Adam! Bye, Barbara!"

The image of Lydia disappeared from the mirror and Adam sent it away, turning to look at Barbara with a smile plastered on his face. She'd adopted a similar look on her face and together, they turned to look over towards a still sleeping Charles and Delia.

"Work, work, work, work, work," said Charles as he rolled over in his sleep.

"I can smell crystals," said Delia as she sat up and then promptly laid her head down again. Adam and Barbara looked confusedly at her. They didn't know how much more of this they were going to take.

It was going to be a long night. A super long night.

Lydia: Exorcised • A Beetlejuice: the Musical Fanfiction Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz