10. Percy Has A Dagger, Anybody Surprised? Anybody?

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"Then I think we should start on those Occulumency lessons,"

Percy hummed in agreement. She took out the book he had given her from her satchel. "I've been reading through it. Very Interesting. I wasn't able to find books like these in Flourish & Blotts,"

Draco shook his head. "No, you can't. I got this from our own library,"

"It's comprehensive with accurate steps, I wasn't able to put the book down," she turned to the page that she had bookmarked earlier.

"I can see that," he said with a smile as he saw that she was already halfway through the book.

"I don't really read many books but when I found a book engrossing, there's no way anybody can stop me from finishing it," she smiled back at him.

"I'm quite surprised that you understand these," he gestured to the book on the desk, "even highly skilled wizards struggle with it,"

"Oh I've a few queries too," she used the papers, that had her own notes that were kept inside the book to guide her to another page.

"You're doing this quite seriously," Draco commented noticing her own notes kept inside the book roughly.

"Yeah, I think Occulumency will be handy for me and this," she took out one of the papers she had placed between the pages, "is an idea of a friend of mine,"

She placed the paper where it belonged and opened another page. "Now, my doubt is that I can't understand this part," she pointed the top paragraph on the page, moving the book so the owner of the book can see.

"I literally have no idea what it is,"

She frowned and her eyebrows furrowed at his answer before it cleared as she realised the book was in greek as she had charmed it so she can read easily. "Oops, sorry," she smiled sheepishly and with a wave of her wand she changed it back.

Draco chuckled and looked at the paragraph she had pointed earlier. He nodded as he remembered the paragraph. "Oh yes, this is pretty complicated. Actually-"

Draco was cut off by the door opening loudly. They both winced as the sudden sound hit their ears. The charm was lifted as a new person walked into the room. They saw Remus Lupin walk through the door, giving them a rueful smile.

"I'll tell you about this later," Draco whispered to her, not taking his eyes of the teacher.

Percy imitated his actions. "Okay, Dragon,"

A shiver went down his spine as she used that nickname for him. He was pretty sure that she didn't even realise she had called him that. He forced himself to not look at her as pink tinted his cheeks, barely noticeable.

"Good morning class!" Professor Lupin greeted the class merrily. He had a far more tidier attire than his usual. Though, he looked tired as usual, he sure looked a lot happier than they had seen him in their third year.

"Good morning, Professor!" The class sang back. The students were thrilled for their DADA class for the whole three weeks. They were eager to know what interesting lesson he will be teaching.

"Our first DADA class of the year!" He let out a happy sigh. "We'll start off with a happy note. Today I'll be teaching you about the Patronus charm. I assume you all know something about this particular charm. Can anyone tell me about it?"

Hermione's hand shot up in an inhumane speed while few other students put up their hands calmy like normal human beings. Professor Lupin chose Hermione as she was the first one up.

"The Patronus Charm is one of the most powerful defensive charms known to wizardkind. It is an immensely complicated and an extremely difficult spell, that evokes a partially-tangible positive energy force known as a Patronus or spirit guardian. It is the primary protection against Dementors and Lethifolds, against which there are no other defence."

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