Shoto immediately turns and rushes off. Kaida sighs, following behind him and ignoring Endeavor's shouts of protests.

"Dammit Deku."

"Where the hell are you going?!"

"An alleyway on 10 Echo Street," Shoto replies. "If you finish what you're doing or see pros, send them there. We're leaving you here to take care of this trouble. I'm sure you can handle it yourself."

"If this is some stupid fucking thing and him not being in danger, I'm gonna blow him up," Kaida growls as they run.

Endeavor doesn't pursue them.

"He's likely in trouble. Only Midoriya would send something as vague as that for help."

"Oh, so you know him all of a sudden?" Kaida scoffs.

They continue to run, getting into the alleyway.

"Get away!" Izuku screams.

Shoto immediately blasts a stream of fire at the villain who was about to stab straight through Iida. The villain jumps back out of the way, mumbling to himself in annoyance.

"Midoriya, you need to give more detail in times like this," Shoto says, holding up his phone.

"Yeah, you fucking nerd. You're lucky we got here on time otherwise glasses here would be dead," Kaida spits.

"You two..." Iida shakily says. "Bakugo, Todoroki..."

"How'd you guys get here? Hold on... you're using your left side?" Deku says surprised.

"How'd we get here? Good question. Your message took me a while to figure out. Next time try to send more than just your specific location. But you're not one to send cryptic messages without a reason, are you?" Shoto says, getting into an attack position. He spreads out a stream of ice along the ground towards the hero killer. He dodges. Shoto lifts the ice to have the three downed slide behind the two. "So I figured you were in trouble and needed help. Everything's okay, the pros will be here any minute!"

Kaida and him rush forward blasting out their fire power.


"You're just what they said you were, but you won't be taking any more lives. Hero killer," Shoto growls.

"Todoroki! Kaichan! You can't let that guy get your blood. I think he controls his enemies actions by swallowing it. That's how he got us!" Deku warns.

"He ingests blood to keep people from moving. That explains the blades," Shoto says.

"All we have to do is keep our distance!" Kaida grins. "Easy enough!" She moves quickly, dodging and grabbing the blades that Stain threw at the two of them. "You're fast. This'll be a fun challenge!" She sends a strong blast straight in his face as he comes rushing at the two.

He doesn't dodge in time and gets a face full of heat, propelling him back.

"Just stop it..." Iida grunts. "Why are you doing this? His fight is with me... I inherited my brother's name... I'm the one who should stop him. The hero killer is mine!"

𝔼𝕩𝕡𝕝𝕠𝕤𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕋𝕨𝕚𝕟𝕤💥(MHA/BNHA ~ Kirishima x OC)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें