Chapter Sixteen: The First Inspection

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Lionel ran a nervous hand through his hair, he had woken up early to help Katania prepare for their first inspection; he was hoping that everything would be okay for their day with the social worker.

Sophie was babbling happily while Katania fed her, her breakfast and she looked so content after everything that had happened in the past two months; she was happy in Barcelona and Lionel wanted to keep it that way.

“Do you think it’ll be okay?” Katania asked nervously, she still hadn’t had the guts to tell Lionel that Antonella had threatened to act up; she was almost relieved when the social worker had called to move their appointment up a couple of days.

Lionel didn’t need anyone causing trouble for him, Katania was going to keep quiet and keep her head down; she was sure that everything was going to be okay sooner or later.

“It’ll be fine… they just want to make sure that Soph is okay,” Lionel reassured moving to sip on his coffee, he had taken the morning off and was sure that with Antonella gone for the day that everything would be fine.

Katania nodded her head, she knew that everyone wanted what was best for Sophie and the last two months had been hard without her parents; she didn’t need to lose more people in her life.

“Relax Kata… they’ll see that she’s happy and healthy,” Lionel said watching Katania, he could still remember what Gerard had said and he hadn’t been able to forget it; he spent most nights considering what his best friend meant.

Lionel wanted to be happy and he was starting to actually think about what he wanted, not just what he would give up to be with Antonella; he had done that a lot since she had told him that she never wanted children.


Katania took a deep breath as she showed the woman from social services around her home, she didn’t want anything to ruin the inspection and she had cleaned the house for days wanting to be ready.

Lionel sat on the couch with Sophie on his lap, he wanted this to go as smoothly as possible after the last eight weeks raising Sophie; he didn’t want to lose her to Allison now.

“Everything looks good,” the social worker mused nodding her head, she was impressed with the set up that Lionel and Katania had; she hoped that this was going to be her easy case that would be sorted out in the next year.

Katania shared a look with Lionel, they had done their best since they had taken Sophie on and they were sure that everything was in order for today.

Lionel was glad that Antonella had gone out for the day, Elena had promised to keep her out of the way so that she couldn’t cause any problems during the inspection.

Katania hadn’t said anything to Lionel but the footballer had still caught wind of what his girlfriend planned to do; he hadn’t liked the fact that he had learnt what Antonella was planning from Gerard and he wasn’t pleased.

“So let’s talk about the past two months,” the social worker said pulling out her forms and such that she needed to go through, she wanted to get this over with as soon as possible.

Katania moved to sit next to Lionel, she was dreading the interview part and she was so nervous that they wouldn’t have all the answers; she didn’t want Allison to get her hands on Sophie.

“How has raising Sophie been?” the social worker asked looking at Lionel and Katania, she was pleased with how this had gone and she was hopeful that they would be able to keep Sophie.

“It’s been a little tough but I think we’re doing well,” Lionel replied honestly, he didn’t see the need to lie to the social worker; it wasn’t meant to be easy and he hoped that it would get better.

Katania nodded her head in agreement, she was sure that the social worker was already impressed with their arrangements; they hadn’t broken any of the rules that Sergio and Martha had left them.

“Sophie’s coping well… she enjoying her new home,” Katania added knowing that Lionel had been doing his best to balance his life, he was doing what he could while Antonella was making all of this awkward for him.

The social worker nodded her head, she was impressed with how well the two were coping and she was glad that she had moved their appointment; she had a nightmare case tomorrow and was glad to get theirs out of the way.

“How has your girlfriend been with Sophie?” the social worker asked turning her attention to Lionel, she knew that Katania was single and she had done her research to make sure that she had everything right about the two.

Lionel opened and closed his mouth, his mind racing for the right answer to what he had been asked; Antonella didn’t have anything to do with Sophie and she had made it clear that she never would.

“She’s been very helpful,” Lionel said choosing his words carefully, he needed to speak with Antonella and he knew that the last six years were going to come to an end.


“I can’t believe we did it,” Katania whispered after the social worker had gone, they would see her again in four months but they had passed their first inspection without any incidents.

Lionel nodded his head fussing over Sophie and whispering to her softly, he was glad that they had and he knew that he was going to spend more time with the little girl; he wanted her at all his home matches from now on if it was okay with Katania.

Sophie squealed excitedly when Lionel tickled her, he smiled knowing that she was the reason that he had started to think of what he would lose if he stayed with Antonella; he wanted to be a father and not just to Sophie.

“Are you okay?” Katania asked noticing how distracted Lionel was even if he was playing attention to Sophie; she knew he was having problems with Antonella and she hoped she hadn’t caused them.

Lionel nodded his head, he smiled knowing that it had all been a long time coming and he needed to start thinking about what he wanted; he sacrificed a lot for Antonella and it was time he got what he wanted out of life.

“Just a little tired,” Lionel replied knowing that he had been so busy recently with training and juggling her personal life, he knew that it all had to come to an end.

Lionel knew that he should have ended his relationship when Antonella had told him that she hadn’t wanted children; he had foolishly believed that his girlfriend would change her mind but she hadn’t.

“Mama,” Sophie babbled looking at Katania, her blue eyes staring at the woman that she spent so much time with; she smiled up at the brunette while Lionel and Katania stared at her shocked.

Sophie babbled happily, she had no idea what she had said would be upsetting and she held out her arms so that Katania would take her from Lionel; she wanted the brunette to hold her.

“Did she just speak?” Katania whispered, she couldn’t believe that Sophie had spoken and it was the word that hurt; she was clearly calling Katania her mother.

Lionel nodded his head, he couldn’t believe that Sophie had said mama and he knew it wasn’t her asking for Martha; he looked at Katania knowing that they both should have known that this would have happened sooner or later.

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