Before The War

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As we sit with Lucifer Morningstar & the others, he explains his side and apologized to everyone. But Daniel meant the most. Even though everyone was sceptical about our new alliance they seem Lucinda hug Lucifer and thank him for everything. Everyone was in shock that it didn't affect me. I smiled. The love of my life, is the most generous and forgiving woman I'll ever meet. But then Molly walked through the door.

Lucinda's POV
I turn around and my Angel side started to get angry. I know why she said what she did, but it still pissed me off. As I walked towards her I hear, "Wow. How have I not noticed how beautiful you are before?"

Everyone's mouths dropped. And my anger was gone. "Morningstar, Molly had stood by you for centuries. She has obeyed every command of yours." I pleaded. " She knows all about you. Why don't you get to know about her?"

Now everyone else other than me, Lucifer and Cameron were confused. Why Lucifer and Molly stay away talking, I explained everything to them. They were excited. Except Daniel.

"If you were meant for Cam, how will I ever know who I'm meant for?" He looked down so upset and confused.

"Who has been by your side through the centuries other than I?"
He then looks at Gabby and smiles. She blushes and gives him a playful nudge.

Now I am starting to see what the Creator meant to do. She wanted love and happiness with us also. Only she knew to tell us about our true love.

After Lucifer and Molly were done talking they came to us holding hands. Molly finally looked happy. But now came the question no one knew.

"Morningstar, please sit. There is one question I need to ask you." He looked puzzled.
"What is it my dear?" Lucifer asked.
"Did you give me my Golden wings?" Lucifer looked frightened.
"He did not give them to you. You received them before you came to Sword & Cross." Molly said unexpectedly. Then she began the story. My story.

"You had no idea what you were doing. You were in one of your Black out moments. But you started battling Lilith 1 year ago. She tried killing you. But since you weren't baptized, your Angel was technically free to come out, as long as you blacked out." She looks at Lucifer in such a sad faze. He then prepped her head up, smiled and nodded to finish the story. "That's how you killed those 3 humans. Why you can't remember it. You were battling with Lilith and humans tried to come in the middle of it. Your Angel only saw rage for some odd reason. Like you did with me. Once you took the 1st life of an innocent human, that when your wings came in. And your human attitude changed. All because of Lilith."

"How do you know all of this my love?" Lucifer asked silently. "I didn't even know of this."

"Lilith came to me 2 years ago in search of Lucinda. She told me this is what you wanted. Little did I know Lilith was Cam's ex lover. Or that she was a demon." She looked down ashamed.

"It's okay Molly. Please tell us the story." Lucifer smiled at her and she sighed.

"She has wings. But not angelic wings like our Golden and blue ones. The are pointed and red. I thought The Creator made another version without telling us. The version where if you were the most loyal to Lucifer, that's what you get. I've tried for the past 2 years to get those wings. Until..."

"Until what Molly?" Raymond asked.
"Until this morning. Lilith is here searching for Lucinda and Cameron. She plans to kill both of you."

"Why kill me? I did nothing but mourn her?" Cam explained with tears in his eyes. It killed me to see him like this. All I ever wanted was to be safe and same with my loved ones. I need to know the real reason why Lilith is after me. I don't think it's because of Lucifer. I think it's because of..... Oh my Creator. She still loves Cameron.

"Morningstar, how much has Lilith spoke about Cameron to you?" I said shocking the others. I think I know why. Cameron moved on. And she knew. But how?

"She spoke about him until 10 years ago. Saying she will fix everything. She said she would fix Cam. And she would be with him. Until she found out he came to my side. Then she turned more evil than anyone I ever met. I don't understand any of this. Not all of my demons are evil. But none of them have wings like Lilith. The sweetest demon I ever made was Raymond wife."

Raymond looks up with tears filling his eyes. He completely forgot she was a demon. He mourned her. And he moved on. "How is my beloved Katerina?"

"She has changed. She is not that sweetest angel anymore. But she still has her love for you. She's been watching you. And she comes and brags how happy you finally are. She does some evil. But nothing like Lilith. She misses you. But she did change her name. It is now Katherine Pierce."

Raymond giggled. She wasn't the sweetest heart when I married her. That woman literally depends on survival of herself of her loved ones. She will kill anyone who tries to harm anyone she cares for. But I thought you killed her. I saw her body."

"I have different forms of demons. She is a vampire."

We all gasped. She could never see our true form ever again. Or she will burst into flames. How could something like this happen to us. As I went to go hug Raymond, a fire ball hits me in the shoulder.

I turn to see Penny smiling and then making another in her hand. She then looks at Cameron and her eyes turn red. "You weren't suppose to move on. You were suppose to look for me." And throws it at Cam next. I jumped in front of it and Cam screams for me not to. I refuse to let my love get hurt.

"I thought you were dead. I was TOLD you were dead!" Cameron is screaming at her trying to keep her attention off me. And it was working. "Something we just found out, Our Creator made us specifically for another Angel. Lucinda is who I was made for. I'm sorry my love." He stopped to wipe his tears away. Then looked up seriously. "Lilith even human are made to love someone. Even if you are a demon, you are made for someone. Now sped Penny skin and show people what you truly look like."

She started laughing. "I never believed in that shit. I just loved you. And you broke me more than Lucifer did. And now, I will kill you both."

"You will do no such thing! Lilith stop now or your enemies will find you!" Katherine walked in. Raymond fell to his knees. He is admired on how amazing she looks. How amazing she still loves him.

"Niklaus and Elijah are looking for you Lilith. You stole their doppelganger. You almost killed Rebekah. And for what?" She continued to Lilith. Trying to fight herself from running to Raymond.

"They are the Original family. If one dies, then everyone that was turned by their blood dies with them. Plus Niklaus is strong enough. He will not be stronger than I." Lilith stands and laughs.

"Who are the Originals?" I had to ask. Knowing I draw attention to myself. But I didn't spend centuries as an Angel. I have been human.

Katherine looks at me. "They are the Original people Lucifer turned as Vampires. And when I was changed, Niklaus blood was used to turn me." She looks down at Raymond and brushes his face and looks back up, "If Klaus dies, I die. And that is not in my plans."

Katherine then vamp speeds to Lilith and puts chains on her. Which Raymond put a blood sigil on Lilith forehead right after. "How did you know what to do Ray?" Cam asked. Katherine smiled.

"Vampires have special abilities. We have speed. We can compel people to do whatever we like. And I can get in people's minds if I'm allowed or if their weak. Raymond will always be opened to me."

But then Lilith starts waking up from the Sigil. The sigil is starting to burn off.

Lucifer then tries to do the sigil. He is thrown into a wall. And Katherine vamp sped with Raymond.
There was a huge smoke bomb thrown at us. I flew up and took look for Cam. I feel.... I feel something is wrong. The smoke settles. And everyone is coughing but okay. Except Cam....

"Where is he?!" I screamed.
Everyone looking around. "Where is my love ?!"

Lilith took him. And now I have to get him back. But I'm going to need help.

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