The Year 2010

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As I come back into Daniel's life, he decided to go to this boarding school for "troubled youth". Ha, if only they knew.
After the past few thousand years most of us picked sides. The only one who hasnt is Daniel. I was forced into Lucifer's side. After what he did to my beloved Lilith, he tortured my life until 5 years ago. Until i finally caved and went on his side. I havent talked to him in months. Thank The Creator. He didnt approve of me being around Daniel. He tried stopping me. But for some reason he's afraid of Daniel. So he left me alone.
But anyways, Daniel was so tired of losing Lucy so many times, he thought there was no way he would meet her here. She has always been a good girl. He has changed. He's not the one for true love anymore. He has tried finding ways to die. But he wont until he picks a side. But he refuses. It's either The Creator, who put this curse on Lucy in the first place. Or Lucifer, the one who started this whole war.

August 17, 2010
As I get arrested AGAIN for leaving the premises, I get brought back to the boarding house. As I walk in, I am behind this woman with beautiful long brown hair. It past her back. Beautiful curves and long legs. I couldn't help myself.
"How are you doing gorgeous?" I raise an eyebrow as she turns around. "Holy shit."
Its Lucy.
Her bright beautiful blue eyes look at me and then she smiles.
"No one taught you to not hit on crazy girls?"
Now I'm intrigued. She NEVER had this attitude before. It caught my interest. If Daniel's done with her, maybe the curse will be broken if she falls for me instead.

"I'm probably crazier than you. It's okay babygirl, I got your back in here." As a wink, the police officer twists my one wrist.
"Let's not try and get a girlfriend while I have you handcuffed CAMERON!"
"Don't call me that. Its Cam."
Her eyes get huge and just stares for a second.
"Why do you look so familiar? What's your last name? Do i know you?"
Shit. Shes crazy and has memories. Why is this time different?
"Don't worry about it. And no you don't know me. I couldn't forget a face like yours."
She smiles. But we're interrupted by fucking Adrian.
"Hi my names Adrian, Ill be showing you aroun....." She stops as Lucy turns around.
"Hi Im Lucinda. But every calls me Luce."
Adrian stares at me realizing I was just hitting on Lucy. "Stay away from that one. Lets just say he works for the devil."
Lucy laughs.
"Nothing wrong with a little danger." While giving me a flirting smile. As she walks away I get pushed into the wall for the security search. My eyes never left hers.

"Does anyone know about the war of the Angels?"
Me and Adrian laugh.
Molly glares at us. Molly is on Lucifer's side with me. But the reason she's on his side is because she has always been obsessed with him. But he never gave her the time of day. Or century HA.
"Since the children want to laugh," she then glares at Lucy, "Lucifer was in love with a woman. But that woman was in love with another Angel. And that Angel loved her back. So Lucifer started a war over it. And Angels were thrown out of Heaven for not picking a side."
"And why you must give me that evil look MOLLY?" Lucy said. My jaw dropped. She definitely has changed.
"Because little bitches like you that flirt with every guy you see start shit like this."
Lucy laughs, " if you want a guy to like you try smiling. No body wants an emo life sucker."
I burst into tears laughing so hard. Molly went to charge at her. But I stood up so fast, she didn't get near her.
"Back off Emo bitch." i said. Lucy sucked me in with her attitude. I couldn't help it.
"Awe another one in the hooks huh?"
When I almost swung, Daniel caught it. He didn't even see Lucy.
"Lets go brother. Molly isn't worth it."
"She is for both of you now." Molly laughs walking away.
Daniel staring confused. He looks around. But didnt see her face yet. She was already on Adrian's arm walking away laughing.
He sees me staring at her.
"Finally a woman that catches your eye?" He laughs. "She must be really special."
Gabby eye widen. She recognises Lucy. "Don't you fucking dare Cam."
Daniel is more confused.
"Shut it Gabby. She's different. Different than I ever seen!"
Then Daniel brain FINALLY clicked. He looks at Lucy walking away and realizes who it is. His eyes widen with a tear coming down.
"You have her. Maybe she won't die with you." His head down and gloomy voice.
"I won't do anything to upset you. I'll back off."
Daniel hears and turns around and smiles.
"This is why we are so close brother. No matter how different we are, we have respect for one another." He looks back down the hall and sees Lucy go into a different room, "I do nothing but hurt her. You deserve to be happy. Go for it! You have my blessing."
No matter what Daniel will always be my favorite. But finally, I can be happy?

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