Lovely, all alone?

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Disclaimer: fred died? harry got with ginny? draco is a little piece of shit? dobby got mistreated by draco and his father? then i dont own harry potter, DuH :P

"What the fuck!? Potter—!" Draco was aghast. Harry Potter was kissing him! The idiot, stupid, boy-who-lived!

"Get off me, Potter!" Draco pushed Potter out of his face.

Hermione and Harry looked at each other, both faces looking worried.

"Draco, what happened? Did you have a concussion? You're not acting like you used to," Hermione and Harry asked, at the same time.

"Wait a minute! Am I in Gryffindor tower!?" Draco looked around. Everywhere was red. Red, red, red, red. He put his hand on his forehead. It was hurting.

"We should take him to Madam Pomfrey, 'Mione. Dray isn't acting like how he usually would."

"You're right Harry. Go pick him up."

When Harry came to pick Draco up, Draco started to freak out. He was throwing whatever objects he had infront of him at Harry.

Hermione came to Harry's rescue.

"Harry, here. I'll knock him unconscious by a spell. It looks like he won't have it any other way."

When Draco heard this, he started to throw things at Hermione. Harry looked like he was about to protest, but once he saw that Draco was throwing things at Hermione, he gave up.

"Fine, Hermione. You better not do any physical damage."

"Thank you Harry."

Hermione looked at Draco, an anxious look covering her face. "I'm sorry, Draco," and, she actually did look like she was sincere. "Stupefy."

The world went blank.


"Mr. Potter. Calm down. He will be alright."

"How will he be okay!? Hermione used Stupefy on him! My poor baby. I shouldn't have agreed with her," Harry was looking very distraught. He turned to Hermione and said, "If there will be any everlasting damage, I'll kill you Hermione!"

Suddenly, Draco's voice came. But, it didn't sound like him. It sounded more, older, kind of. "My lord, I live to only serve you."

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