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[i recommend reading on dark mode]

The kidnappers
third person pov.

There sat diego,alex and jaden in the meeting room planning a way to get their next victim or should I say, victims

"WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DRAG TWO PEOPLE IN THE MIDDLE OF A PARKING LOT INFRONT OF A HIGH SCHOOL AT 9 IN THE MORNING?"an angry alex yelled at jaden. "Idk seems like a good idea to me"said jaden responding to alex. "It seems like a good idea to me too"said diego agreeing with jaden "oh my- are you outta your minds?"Asked a slightly angry alex asked


"Ok this is MY plan that we are going to be working with. First of all it is going to happen at midnight, we will go in the mini van. Diego is going to bring a lock picking kit , 2 Peices of cloth , some tape and a Bottle of GHB liquid. We will wait until the guards are gone, we cover up the cameras with tape, then diego uses the lock picking kit to unlock the door, then we sneak in, after that we pour some of the liquid on the cloth to make sure they passed out and then finally we carry them to the van and then boom, job done"

"Um what was their names again?" Asked diego "oh my FUCKING GOD" said jaden "you know what- their names are mattia and Taylor" said alex as he sighs in defeat "OOH now I remember .

"Meet up in front of the door at 12:00 , meeting dismissed" alex said .

Diego's pov (wow pov switch😻)

I decided to tell the kidnapped the news.

I decided to ride the elevator since i am lazy (as always).

When I entered i saw kairi laying lifeless on the floor,normal.
Alvaro and Alejandro were cuddling, cute.
Robert was laying sitting in the corner with his back facing us, i kinda feel bad but not really.

I slapped the wall 3 times to get their attention. The lovebirds sat separated,kairi got up and Robert turned around but his head was in between his arms

"Hey guys, today we are bringing 2 new people here

" they are female and male, dont forget to tell them the number onr rule ok?" No answer.as expected,dont get me wrong that is good because that is our number one rule,

Stay quiet or faze the consiquenses

Then i got outta the room, went up the elevator and went to my room. I put on a alarm to 11:30 just Incase i wanted to shower


GHB ; it is a liquid or powder used to make people sleep, pass out if the right amount is used. "Date rape" is another name for the drug. People either put it in drinks or use it to kidnap someone.

Author's note:
All i have to say is someone LIED to her 😔💔

𝙎𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙 𝙤𝙛  𝙨𝙞𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚 ~ 𝚖𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚒Where stories live. Discover now