Catboy! Bjorn would include...

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A/N: ON GOD I was going to stop after Ivar but then people kept requesting more characters.

- Bjorn is the biggest out of your four boys

- You like to call him Big Chungus

- He's not a fan

- It's not like he's fat or anything

- But compared to the other three, he's fucking huge

- He's also the oldest, so he's pretty independent

- He doesn't like it when you do things for him, especially when he's fully capable of doing them himself

- And thank the gods for that

- That being said, Bjorn does help around the house a great deal more than the other three

- Whether it's doing the laundry, cleaning the house, or looking after his brothers

- Though he's understandably less thrilled about having to take care of his brothers, he'll do it for your sake

- His night vision isn't as good as it used to be

- So count on him constantly bumping into shit when he's trying to go back to bed after getting a glass of water

- The younger ones think it's the funniest thing ever

- Bjorn is definitely that big cat that takes no shit from the others

- Ivar's not listening to you? With a smack upside the head from Bjorn, your problem is fixed

- Hvitserk's making a mess? Bjorn puts the fear of god in him

- Ubbe... Actually, he's alright with Ubbe

- They get along pretty well

- Now

- Bjorn's stomach is a bottomless pit

- But he's ridiculously picky about what he eats

- He's IMPOSSIBLE to cook for

- Has a very specific palate and it's the worst thing

- Refuses to eat anchovies

- Little stinky fish in a can? No thanks, he's good

- He treasures silence

- Understandable

- He does live with Ivar and Hvitserk, aka the two most obnoxious assholes you'll ever meet

- So when they're sleeping or they're out with you, Bjorn is back home living his best life

- Lounging on the couch or by the sunny window

- He doesn't like being moved

- Whether it's from the couch of the floor, he refuses to move

- You have to nudge him with your foot in order to get him to move

- And even then, he'll rarely actually move

- So you'll have to step over him or go around

- Not a big fan of being petted

- However, Bjorn is a sucker for chin scratches and don't let him tell you otherwise

- He likes beard scratches as well

- He'll literally melt and lean closer

- He won't move until you stop or he decides he's had enough (for now)

- Bjorn is relatively quiet

- When he's not scolding Ivar and Hvitserk, I mean

- Or purring while you give him lil scritchies

- For the most part, he's a pretty solitary cat

- He won't interact with anybody, not even his brothers, unless he has to

- Or unless you ask him

- Because he can't say no to you

- He doesn't like guys that walk into your house

- Bjorn and Ivar are alike in this aspect, they just don't trust men

- He's fine with girls, but he's very particular about who he lets himself get petted by

- Enjoys watching birds

- He doesn't really have anything else to do anyway

- So he'll sit by the window and watch the birds swoop in and out of the birdbath in your backyard

- Or stare at the bird feeder for hours

- Bjorn sheds a lot

- More than Ivar

- But he actually helps clean up without complaining!

- He definitely drinks

- Not enough to get drunk, just when it's purely social

- He prefers drinking alone, but will occasionally drink when there are guests in the house

- Or if you're drinking

- His favorite is definitely whiskey

- Neat, straight from the bottle

- Should he be drinking it like that? Probably not

- Should he be drinking in general? Probably not

- Is that gonna stop him from enjoying his goddamned glass of whiskey? Of course it's not

- And try stopping him

- Let me know how that goes

- Let me know how that goes

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