chapter 1

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nannon pov


the time showed 6.00am,its my first day in srinakharinwirot high school.i am a transferred student from i am actually thai both of my parents are,they went to singapore for work so i had to followed them. i studied in singapore for 3 years and im actually 14 the system is way different in thai so i have to adapt to it.i actually just knew that my bestfriend,ssing and new is studying there lucky huh?

"what are you thinking huh?"i got hit on my head by new."oiihhhh.why must you hit my head ??i just came back you mean"i sulked at new.its actually normal for him to hit my head at the back and stuff I'm already used to it hehe >_< "you've been zoning off for so long.quickly get up and get ready dude"he brush through my hair roughly."okay okay"i rolled my eyes and get out of bed.

"good morning dear,how was your sleep last night?"mae softly pat my head."my son,looking good like his dad"i,me and my parents sat down to have breakfast before we left for and new was walking to the bus stop when we met ssing.we then hop on to the bus and drop infronth of the school.then i wai to the teacher."oh yeah i forgot to tell you, you are in class2/1"new tapped my shoulder.i then froze,i was shock since i always have been in class X/6 . i must thanks the singapore school system for teaching me so good."then what about you two?" i asked new and swing."we are in the same class as you"ssing said happily.we then all smiled all the way and played around then i accidentally bump into another group of boys."im so sorry.p- i am v-very sorry" i apolagise to this guy,i hadnt see him around before since i know alot of people from this school as most of them are junior and seniors from my old school.he was in a group with p'gun and p'ohm,my seniors from my old school.

"err,be careful next time"he gave me a cold face with a deep voice.i kinda feel scared,then he walked away from and my friends then wai to p'gun and p'ohm.we sat in class.i then asked ssing,who sat beside me."who was the senior  i bumped into just now?i didnt see him around before from our previous school" i asked him while staring into ssing eye since im too curious."ohhh,that is p'chimmon or for short, p'mon. he transferred to our school from Finland.he is actually the school director's grandson.

so a lot of boys are scared of him since he will be very strict to you plus he is the student president and the music club president,bringing our school fame from competitions and for his 'handsomeness' girls are fangirl-ing over him an- OUCH" ssing pat the back of his head, new hit the back of his head,as i say it is very normal so they played around."too much information,ai ssing" we then all laugh until an announcent inturrupt "srinakharinwirot high school student,this is your school student president speaking.please assemble at the school field now"i kinda smiled when i heard his voice wait what?why did i smiled??? and then ssing pushed my shoulder,signalling me to go for the morning parade.after that we went for the first period.

it was in the middle of the class when this morning incident flashed through my mind.honestly,i find p'chimmon attractive.he could break as many school rule as he wants since teachers cant do anything about him so, he looks hella hot this morning.silver ring earrings,half tucked out shirt,geek glasses and silver chain.ughhh,damn.

chimmon pov

its the first period, math.bored as hell.i dont need to pay attention and im still the best student in school i could even beat my seniors from 6/1."hey,ai mon why didnt you give n'non a fist huh?i tought if someone piss you off you wi-" gun said to me suddenly." i guess i wasn't too mad"i lied to gun,i dont know what was wrong with me at all.i just cant get n'non images out of my head dang it.

"hey ai mon arent you going to go for your duty?i heard that we are going to take 3/1 this term"i heard the class level, i quickly got up and walked before my friends."hey!ai mon wait for me!" i didn't care about them and quicly went to the second class was at the 5th floor. since I'm 5/1.

"MAY I GET YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE?"i screamed at the tops of my lungs and stared at nannon.the girls were screaming, i didnt care at all since im already used to it . i took over the class for the 'senior junior session'. " can i get you.yes you,come out to the fronth and introduce to your classmates please?!" i shouted at him, he nearly cried but i couldnt do anything. " c-can i not?" he gave me a cute adorable face like a very cute puppy i wanted to say yes but i had to act tough."NO!" I shouted very loud.he slowly walked up and introduced himself "hi everyone,my name is nannon,i am a transfered student from Singapore. i studied there for 3 years so if some of you guys know me from primary school i studied there after year 5 there." he gave me a sweet smile but i know he is hurt inside by my shouting.


The school bell rang,it was end of school and i rushed to the second level without my friends.i waited for n'non outside his class.i really need to see him.i missed him. i know what it mean,i fell in love with non at first sight.then ssing and the other two wich is new and nannon came out,they wai at me."owh,p' i dont think there is anymore ' junior senior session today?" i gave ssing a cold stare i told him " what a stupid taking nannon with me" i dragged him away from his friends all the way to the club building."p!im hurt!" i didnt answer him at all

.  i pulled out a form from my bag."sign this form,youre joining my club." i passed the paper and pen to him. " but i cant play instrument,i wanted to get into the science club" he gave me a cute sad face. "im going to be your personal coach,i dont care if you like it or not but you are getting into the music club or else-" i lean my face close to his , nose touching each anothers one. " o-okay fine." he signed the formed and followed me to the club.

nannon pov

I went into the room with p'mon. "THIS IS NANNON FROM 2/1 HE JUST GOT TRANSFERRED FROM SINGAPORE SO I NEED EVERYONE TO TAKE CARE OF HIM OR YOU WILL GET INTO TROUBLE.UNDERSTAND?" they all replied with a yes . p'mon then went to reach out for the guitar while i heard alot of people gossiped about me that how did i get p'mon to be so intrested in me and stuff and said p'mon is bisexual.i didnt really care, he then gave me a guitar and i learned some easy chords.

it was already 5 pm and p'chimmon wanted to send me home, i couldn't said no so i agreed.he was actually nice but just strict on some stuff and things." ill see you tommorrow n'non" until i realised we are already infronth of my house.i smiled and left..


soooo i hoped you liked it and my english is very bad , sorry. plus i know some things arent true i just wanted to make it up and stuff cuz why not  >_< hehe sooo comment down if you like it or not hehe:) pls comment me about my writing please :))

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