Chapter Twenty Four-

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"You okay Niall?" I asked and he nodded with red eyes, Liam looked worried. Harry hadn't followed me in though?

I wheeled out the living room and into the kitchen where Harry was sat head down at the kitchen table. "Hey" I said softly sitting next to him, "Are you okay?" I asked and he nodded but didn't lift his head up, "Harry" I said stroking his back, "Talk to me?" I asked and he lifted his head up, his eyes were rimmed red and tears stains were on his now red puffy cheeks, the first time i've seen him cry. My heart was pounding, im surprised he couldn't hear it.

"I'm a mess" He mumbled causing me to shake my head, "Harry, whats happening with you? Whats wrong?" I asked and he sighed and leaned back, stretching out his long legs. "I keep picturing Zayn running that blade along your stomach, evertime i close my eyes thats all i see, your hurt face, crying, you needed me and all i did was stand there and stare" He cried holding my hands, "No!" I spat causing him to look surprised, "You yelled at him to stop, Harry, he warned you not to come any closer, you did all you could, you protected me babe" I said causing his eyes to fill with hope, "Really?" He asked and i nodded.

"Yes Harry, you know what, i wasn't scared, wanna know why?" I asked and he nodded, "Because all i thought about was you, you were there, protecting me, i pictured what happened five hours before that, when we were holding eachother, we were so close" I said causing him to snuggle his head in my neck, "I loved how close we were, i want to be that close to you again" He whispered, when he looked up and looked at me, he had to same look in his eye which he had yesterday, fire, passion and lust.

"But we can't" He blinked, looking down, "The nurse said we had to wait, at least two to three weeks" He said. "What" I moaned causing him to smile, "I hate this fucking chair" I cussed causing him to smile.

"I hate that chair too" he agreed.

Harry made us all tea, considering it was Six P.M. We ate up and i got sleepy.

"Im pretty tired" I yawned causing Harry to get up too, "You staying again Li?" Harry asked causing him to look from Niall, to me, to Harry, "If that's okay?" He asked causing Harry to smile, "Of course mate, we love having you here". Niall's face glowed with happiness as did Liams, "thankyou" Liam said.

Harry wheeled me to the bottom of the steps and the picked me out, carrying me bridal style, "That was awfully nice of you" I said to Harry causing him to nod his head, "What are you up to?" I asked him, he looked offended, "What i can't be nice to your bestfriend?" He asked causing me to eye him.

"Fine, i want to be in Niall's good books again" He confessed causing me to kiss his cheek, then his lips, then his neck which awarded a moan, i smiled and looked at him be he tried to get away with a cough.

"Can i stay with you tonight?" I asked causing him to smile and take me into his bed, "Of course princess" He smile causing my stomach to burn at the nickname.

He lied me in his bed and dressed me in pajamas. He got undressed down to his boxers, flicked off the light and lay next to me, I had to lie straight otherwise it hurt too much.

"I can't stop thinking about yesterday in my bed" He said, i could hear the smile in his voice.

"Me too" I whispered causing him to place his hand on my thigh.

We both fell asleep holding eachothers hands.

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